It is sad that Obama, Clinton and Kerry have so messed up the Middle East with their “Arab Spring” that Vladimir Putin becomes the hero who brings order out of the chaos.
Putin, allies with Assad. His relations with Iran are improving. (Hey, you don’t see masses of people in the streets of Tehran shouting “Death to Putin! Death to Russia!”) Russia sees Syria as a strategic location. They have moved military to the Syrian border. Putin believes Obama’s fingers in the Middle East have left a vacuum that ISIS is filling. Putin is closely aligned with how many American conservatives view Obama’s bungling of it. More bungling on the next page.
From Putin’s UN speech:
Instead of the triumph of democracy and progress, we got violence, poverty and social disaster — and nobody cares a bit about human rights, including the right to life. I cannot help asking those who have forced that situation: Do you realize what you have done?”
A report at Jihad Watch answers:
No, they don’t realize what they have done, and they’re poised to do more of it. And those of us who warned at the time that the “Arab Spring” would not lead to “the triumph of democracy and progress,” but to “violence, poverty and social disaster,” were dismissed and derided as racist, bigoted “Islamophobes.” And no matter how often the establishment analysts get things wrong, and disastrously, and fatally so, they never get called to account, and keep applying the same failed solutions.
Source: Jihad Watch
Bravo! Well said.
Two choices: Either the Obama regime, who encouraged what they named the “Arab Spring” knew exactly the fallout, and wanted to destabilize the Middle East. Or the Obama regime is delusional and really thought having “JV Team”, ISIS, fill the vacuum. That’s a good thing.
Whatever you think of Putin, he is right about Obama. No easy answers, but with pro-Arab apologists like Samantha Powers as Ambassador to the UN, a real confidante, who has the ear of the President, and was one of the architects of the Arab Spring, you can bet what happens next will be more of the same.
Perhaps after Putin is through eliminating ISIS over there, we can invite him here to take on the tens of thousands of Syrian Islamists that Obama is inviting in.
So bombing an annialating the citizens of Allepo and other cities in Syria amounts to praise of Putin? Fcking moronic traitors. If Obama had aligned himself with Putin during his presidency, you wingnuts would want his head on a stake! C’mon, be honest! Fcking traitors. “Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel”!
Go fck yourself with your Putin$#%&!@*fcking traitor Troy!
When? Eat the b******t . . . . put a little honey on it . . . makes it easier ti swallow!
Lisa . . you sound just like twitter Trump . . . . can’t even put two sentences together! Deplorable!
He’s black that’s why… They know he will run his mouth and start a race war but I say let it because he is know better then Nixon and he has done much worse things!!!!
U don’t have to excuse to total stupidity of sum of Americans there so blind sided by stupidity
Jeff Lee, The Government of this country also controls the population. And also influences governments of other countries. It has also hacked and spied not only on the people of this country but on every other country in the world. They have supported rebel groups in foreign countries with the hope of overthrowing the existing government. That is not our responsibility. Now when the shoe is on the other foot they complain like a child. If indeed, they were the ones that hacked the DNC they only revealed illegalities that were being covered up from the public. These were not national defence secrets but the dirty dealings of people who are Democrats and we’re supposed to be running this country for the benifit of the American population as a whole not just the few. The NSA has all of this dirty information but will never release it because they don’t want the world to know the scope of their spying.
Yeah he knows
Arab Spring was just another deodorant for for a smelly problem that won’t go away by embracing it.
Abigail Araoye..I am not as Stupid as you are. I know that the past presidents take and are entitled to family vacations…But every other month? Come on. And any President that was on vacation when a crisis arose..That President came back to the people who needed him. I have lived through many presidents and I even voted for Obama the first time. But unlike you and many other follower’s of this “Black Jim Jones’..Cult”..It didn’t take me very long to know he was a self-serving person, who had no interest in anything that would make our country stronger…He wanted to weaken us..And he all st did. Thank the Good Lord above that all of us weren’t brainwashed and as IGNORANT as you. We the People took back our Country and Donald J TRUMP..Has already done more than that$#%&!@*ever did….And guess what ? He hasn’t even taken office. Now shut your IGNORANT ole$#%&!@*down and reap the rewards of what a real American Loving President will do for all of us…Even you and your cult followers of Demon crats.