It is sad that Obama, Clinton and Kerry have so messed up the Middle East with their “Arab Spring” that Vladimir Putin becomes the hero who brings order out of the chaos.
Putin, allies with Assad. His relations with Iran are improving. (Hey, you don’t see masses of people in the streets of Tehran shouting “Death to Putin! Death to Russia!”) Russia sees Syria as a strategic location. They have moved military to the Syrian border. Putin believes Obama’s fingers in the Middle East have left a vacuum that ISIS is filling. Putin is closely aligned with how many American conservatives view Obama’s bungling of it. More bungling on the next page.
From Putin’s UN speech:
Instead of the triumph of democracy and progress, we got violence, poverty and social disaster — and nobody cares a bit about human rights, including the right to life. I cannot help asking those who have forced that situation: Do you realize what you have done?”
A report at Jihad Watch answers:
No, they don’t realize what they have done, and they’re poised to do more of it. And those of us who warned at the time that the “Arab Spring” would not lead to “the triumph of democracy and progress,” but to “violence, poverty and social disaster,” were dismissed and derided as racist, bigoted “Islamophobes.” And no matter how often the establishment analysts get things wrong, and disastrously, and fatally so, they never get called to account, and keep applying the same failed solutions.
Source: Jihad Watch
Bravo! Well said.
Two choices: Either the Obama regime, who encouraged what they named the “Arab Spring” knew exactly the fallout, and wanted to destabilize the Middle East. Or the Obama regime is delusional and really thought having “JV Team”, ISIS, fill the vacuum. That’s a good thing.
Whatever you think of Putin, he is right about Obama. No easy answers, but with pro-Arab apologists like Samantha Powers as Ambassador to the UN, a real confidante, who has the ear of the President, and was one of the architects of the Arab Spring, you can bet what happens next will be more of the same.
Perhaps after Putin is through eliminating ISIS over there, we can invite him here to take on the tens of thousands of Syrian Islamists that Obama is inviting in.
Tick tick tick the clock isn’t moving fast enough
Guaranteed?! I’m sorry, but NO, Rebecca! Pay my part?! You know NOTHING of which you speak! Please excuse my tone for what is about to come, but I have zero patience left! My husband fell today and hurt his back, dislocated his shoulder and BROKE HIS ARM! He won’t get help because we can’t afford insurance. He us self-employed since his company closed his department, but he still works mire than 40 hours a week, which is down considerably from the 70+ before. We pay taxes, little girl, and he works his a$$ off. But he doesn’t get a subsidy. No, he pays his “part” and gets NOTHING FOR IT, because too many other people are taking advantage. Before the UNaffordable Care Act, if someone was sick, they could go to the ER or public health and pay little to nothing. They HAD care. We get NO subsidy. We would have to pay $1800/mo with a $7,000 deductible. We can’t afford it. Cheaper to pay the tax, sorry, I mean the penalty. He can’t go to the ER because he makes too much for the hospital to write it off. Review, before ACA the poor could get care at little to no cost, and we could afford insurance. After ACA, they can get care for little to no cost, and they have insurance for little to no cost. Now, we can’t afford insurance, and we can’t afford care. Do you hear me?! Has has a BROKEN F’N ARM and can’t afford to go to the hospital. I have ongoing health issues that I can’t be seen for. But he works 40+ hours a week and pays for other people to have access to care that they already had anyway. Tell me you little brat how that is fair and just in your workd, because in mine, it just plain sucks.
This is serious BS. The people who led the Arab Spring in each individual country did it on their own and for you to blame Obama is plain stupid and anyone who believes in in this garbage is a total idiot.
LAWMEN bring in bad people, Obama lets them go.SAD
Good ole Max. 10’s of thousands of people allon agreement with Putin
And how on earth did this become our problem to solve. You want to defend Muslims from even crazier Muslims, pick your$#%&!@*up and go over there brave man and defend mankind. That fire has been burning forever so go jump in it. America first! We don’t take responsibility for defending the world against aggressors. The few times we’ve tried ends in disaster and weakens our own country. Take care of your own first!
Obama was a broke first term senator. He made $400,000 a year salary as president X 8 years = 3,200,000. How did he buy 4 mansions & how is he worth 12 Million? Bribes/Donations from all his crony buddies Saudi Arabia, muslim brotherhood, CAIR etc. The most corrupt, the worst president in history, the biggest hoax ever played on Americans! The Muslim Infiltrator Barack Hussein Obama!! Victims families need to start Suing Obama every time a refugee kills a American!! Obama Needs to be held Responsible!! He knows exactly what he’s doing!! He’s been flooding our country with Muslims for the last eight years!! Forcing them down Americans throats!!
This is what the Democrats want for the future of your children!! This is ridiculous we need Republican representatives in California!! The Democrats are destroying California & the US!!
Obama admitted 2,598 More Unvetted Somalis into the US in last 2 months. Many Somalis who have been arrested & convicted on Terrorism charges & 2 highly publicized cases of Somali youths Paid for with US TAXPAYERS $$ attempting to Kill Americans since September in St. Cloud, MN & in Columbus, OH, obama is admitting the highest weekly average of Somalis to the US that we have ever done in the last 30 years!
Obama is also taking 3,000 Muslim refugees REJECTED from Australia because of Security Concerns they are from Terror Hotbed Countries! Why do we take the Rejects they’re the Worst Ones!!
People in California better start calling their gov reps or We Are Going To Get All The Rejected refugees all the other states don’t want!! California has been taking a steady flow of about 10,000 a year from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Somalia etc. for the last 10 years!!
If You Love Your Family & Want To Keep Them SAFE! If You Love America & Your FREEDOMS!! YOU should Help SAVE IT NOW!!
The governments job is to keep its Citizens SAFE!! NOT TO LIE To Us & Force us to buy healthcare we don’t want or Force Mandatory Vaccinations on our children! ARE WE FREE?? Big Gov Is Out Of Control!! Americans want term limits to ensure our Gov Reps are working for The People Not just trying to fill their pockets with Money! Call & Tell Them What You Want!!
Hillary is a Treasonous, Narcissistic, Corrupt, Cheating, Liar Did they really think she was the best The United States had to offer??!! She Vowed to bring MILLIONS MORE Muslims Into the US!! After TAKING MILLIONS of $ From Saudi Arabia & MANY Other Mid East Countries!! Shes Bought & Paid For! She was going to continue Obama’s agenda to Destroy The US Flooding Our Country With 3rd World Immigrants That DEMAND FREE EVERYTHING & DEMAND We Change Our Laws, Customs, Morals, Values, Religion And Most Importantly OUR FREEDOMS So Many Americans Have Fought & DIED FOR!! Tell your Gov Reps to Lock Her Up!! Obama has released all the Terrorist’s from Guantánamo Bay that Have Killed Americans so they can join the fight!! He is the president & Should Be Held Responsible for All Future Terror attacks! Victims Families Should SUE Him & The Refugee Resettlement programs! They are making Billions!! Taxpayers are Paying for Our Own INVASION!!
If you ignore this you better learn to speak Arabic because its going to be The New US Language!! WOW IN OUR FACES! We need to STOP this Right Now! New Muslim VOTERS! We had 3.3 million Muslims in the US last year. A muslim rep said the US Has 7Million now. Who knows how many we have now that Obama has been flooding The US with muslims! They are FURTHER infiltrating our government Congress, Senate, governors, mayors. They Will Try To Implement Their Laws! They Already Are!! obama Allowed Muslim Brotherhood to Fully Infiltrate Our Government! Now the Democrats Man, Keith Ellison [of the Muslim brotherhood] is who they want to head the DNC! This is a TERROR Organization! DO Something About This!! Think of the Future America for your Kids! Is the US going to be Destroyed like all of the European countries!? It May If You Don’t Speak Up Call Your Mayor, Governor, Congressman & Senators They Have The Power To STOP This INSANITY Tell Them To NOT ALLOW A Representative of A TERROR Org Hold ANY SEAT IN Our Government!! And Stop Bringing More Potential Terrorists muslims Into The US! DEFUND THE REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT PROGRAM & DANGEROUS SANCTUARY CITIES TOO!! Before it’s too late! Now would be a good time! They just got a wake up call to Listen To The People! How Do U Think 16 States & 30 Governors Are REFUSING TO TAKE REFUGEES!? PEOPLE SPOKE UP SAID NO REFUGEES!! Once the refugees come here we can’t get them out! Obama has brought 30,000 refugees into the US In The Last 3 Months! Just sense 10-17! 10,000 a month to cram them in before he leaves office! We’l have a Terrorist attack every day just like Israel does!
Us Taxpayers Are Going To Pay Billions Every Year To Take Care Of Them! Obama is TAKING BILLIONS FROM OUR VETS, SENIOR CITIZENS, OUR HOMELESS ETC!! Obama Budgeted 2.5 BILLION For 10,000 Refugees Last Year! He’s Bringing 110,000 In Next Year FY2017! That Started In October! Obama Brought 10,000 Refugees Into The US LAST MONTH [10-16!] IN OCTOBER! 2.5 Billion For 10,000 X 2.5 Billion X 12 months = Taxpayers Are Going to PAY 30 BILLION FOR THE YEAR To Take Care Of Unvetted Ppl Who HATE US, DEMAND FREE EVERYTHING & Say It To Our FACES THEY WANT TO TAKE OVER THE USA!!! ARE WE STUPID?!! THIS IS COMMON SENSE!!! Obozo Knows What He’s Doing!! Trying to make the US a Muslim country!!!
Call your Mayor, Governor, Senate and Congress, If Not In California Call to Get Your State Reps. (202) 224-3121. Don’t be intimidated! They work for us they’re happy to help! Tell them how you feel! It’s easy just takes a min & u don’t have to give your info just your zip code! Paul Ryan’s office (202) 225-3031. TELL PAUL RYAN TO DEFUND THE REFUGEE PROGRAM & DANGEROUS SANCTUARY CITIES! AND STOP TAKING MONEY FROM OUR VETS WHO RISKED THEIR LIVES FOR OUR FREEDOM’S!! I’m sure they’d love to hear your Opinion!
California representatives;
Gov Jerry Brown (916) 445-2841
Brad Sherman (818)501-9200,
Kamala Harris (202) 224-3553,
Tony Cardinas (202) 225-6131,
Adam Shiff (818) 450-2900,
Diane Feinstein LA # (310) 914-7300 No one answered LA # so I called San Francisco # (415) 393-0707 left message told them can’t get Throu LA #.
Eric Garcetti LA Mayor (213) 978-0600.
Paul Ryan (202) 225-3031
Not participated in your b******t?
You know, your description of Obama fits Trump as well, and more so.