Russia reached an agreement with Iraq, Syria, and Iran to share intelligence about the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL)–without notifying the Obama administration.
Nevertheless, a clueless President Obama, steps up during his address to the United Nations and boldly stated that he is now willing to “compromise” with Iran and Russia on finding a solution to the Syrian conflict. Find out more of this change of heart on the next page:
What hard work?
Undo “Obama’s hard work”
Undo what Obama wasn’t going to do anything against his buddies isis
Obama’s hard work?
Hell yeah putin is a true strong willed leader who cares for his people
What hard work ?????? His failure maybe !!
Grand Ole meeting with Putin!!!!
obUmas not gonna bomb his buddies.(isis)
As much as I dislike agreeing with Anis Ben Ammar, Muslim is a race.
Islam is an ideology.
There are many Muslim Christians.
There are many black, white, India ect Islamist.
And Bill Potting brings up a good point I have thought on often.
Homosexuality is the a sin in Islam punishable by several methods. All barbaric and ending in death.
Here is the thing.
Obama was raised steeped in Islam.
His father and grandfather were Islamist.
I think he is a Muslim/Islamist sympathizer.
Probably a closet atheist.
On a final note, Islam needs to be left to history.
It needs to die.
it about time some one does it