Russia reached an agreement with Iraq, Syria, and Iran to share intelligence about the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL)–without notifying the Obama administration.
Nevertheless, a clueless President Obama, steps up during his address to the United Nations and boldly stated that he is now willing to “compromise” with Iran and Russia on finding a solution to the Syrian conflict. Find out more of this change of heart on the next page:
Nature abhors a vacuum.. as Obama sucks, Putin blows… (sorry, it was just too easy) 🙂
Thanks Mr putin
what hard work all he did was talk and hope someone would listen while he feed isis
If he can destroy ISIS, go for it.
Go for it
Lets hope Putin then doesn’t extend the fight to Israel snd Europe
Obummer has never did any hard work so I guess your saying Putin is going to do the job American should have done and then join the. Arab nations in Ezekiel chapters 38&39.
If you people think for a minute that Obama isn’t playing a part in this you are fools . This jerk is doing all he can to bring this country down and everybody in the house is playing wright along beside him !
Good maybe the enemy of our enemy will be our friend?