Russia reached an agreement with Iraq, Syria, and Iran to share intelligence about the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL)–without notifying the Obama administration.
Nevertheless, a clueless President Obama, steps up during his address to the United Nations and boldly stated that he is now willing to “compromise” with Iran and Russia on finding a solution to the Syrian conflict. Find out more of this change of heart on the next page:
Obama’s hard work? Haha haha haha haha haha………………………..
And we should be minus Obama. The rest of the world know he’s destroying our country. They have no use for him and neither do we.
feel the same
Putin is our enemy! Watch out! He has visions of grandeur beyond ISIS, Syria and Iraq. Remember, he is buddies with Iran and other world leaders who’d like to see us wiped off the map. Be weary and pray for this country. We did not keep our military strong.
America, SINKING to a NEW LOW…
Won’t be much…….
America, are you listening? How much more evidence do you need to have to understand OBAMA DOES NOT WANT TO IRRADICATE ISIS!
Mr Putin, can you get Obummer out of office as well and teach incoming presidents how to run a country? Thanks in advance.
Strengthen our military now!!
I not sure about any of you. I for one support President Putin on this issue. Russia is doing the job that Obama is not.