Russia reached an agreement with Iraq, Syria, and Iran to share intelligence about the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL)–without notifying the Obama administration.
Nevertheless, a clueless President Obama, steps up during his address to the United Nations and boldly stated that he is now willing to “compromise” with Iran and Russia on finding a solution to the Syrian conflict. Find out more of this change of heart on the next page:
Yaay! with his own motives, but …
This is the difference between a Leader and a Community Organizer which if anyone would have checked out Chicago, they would have seen what type of organizing Obama does !
What hard work?
fia but everybody knows that obozohas goten his millions from stealing,bribes and payoffs and or kickbacks so he is no diferent ihat respect,in fact he is worse cvause he has been stealing money from we the people and thats afact to, I guess ther maijn diference i shtyat putin is not an enem of the state in russia and obozo is here in the U.S.
well we had our chance and we blew it,its so far out of control now,if russia want to have at it,let them,saves us from having to do so BUT it also brings us that much closer to the return of jesus,dont believe me? read the book of eziekiel.especially chaps 37 and 38.
I don’t like communism but I love the fact that Putin is sticking it to obaMAO!
YES!!!!!!!!!! As a REAL American I support this work! GO Putin!
odumbo gives these creeps his support
You mean Obama failed. How could this be???