Russia reached an agreement with Iraq, Syria, and Iran to share intelligence about the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL)–without notifying the Obama administration.
Nevertheless, a clueless President Obama, steps up during his address to the United Nations and boldly stated that he is now willing to “compromise” with Iran and Russia on finding a solution to the Syrian conflict. Find out more of this change of heart on the next page:
Oblamer is his own undoing!! Putin’s just the impetus to shove Obama over the cliff, an event we are all waiting for.
Well when he’s one of the leaders of ISIL. and a dam moslem. Who doesn’t want his moslem brotherhood killed, Mr. Putin dose not play games he will get the job done.
What hard
work? Obama is a failure
Someone for freedom.
Go Putin, he is the man..
Obama is the destablizer with his muslim brotherhood friends.
One way of looking at it is Russia takes care of ISIS, China takes care of North Korea,Israel takes care of Iran, and Obama trys to disarm his own Country at the same time trying to improve his golf Score and shooting Hoops until his term is over!
I think he believes Obama is part of ISIS also.
Putin waiting love you our top officials in America are liars they make this country look retarded help