Pope Francis has a new enemy. And his name is none other than Vladimir Putin. Remember how Colombian radio and television host came under fire last week for claiming Pope Francis was elected by “a mafia of cardinals”? Putin is claiming to have proof regarding this mafia and definitely states in no uncertain terms that Jorge Bergoglio is NOT the real pope of the Catholic Church.
Here is where things start getting creepy. The words coming out of Vladimir Putin’s mouth are more in alignment with the Bible than Jorge Bergoglio’s, the man almost a billion people naively call Pope Francis.
Putin had this to say at the Naval Cathedral of St. Nicholas in Kronstadt,
“If you look around at what he (the Pope) says it’s clear that he is not a man of God. At least not the Christian God, not the God of the Bible.”
Putin says this because Bergoglio keeps preaching blasphemy and taking the Church for fools. “Jesus failed on the cross?” Really?! That’s what you get out of reading your Bible? “A personal relationship with Jesus is harmful and dangerous” Really?!
Bergoglio says all these things while the other side of his mouth keep preaching that “a new political authority” is needed to “save the world from unprecedented destruction”.
This is your church, Catholics. You and the rest of the world need to know what side the church will be playing for, Satan or God. That is why it is of uttermost importance to get to the bottom of whom Jorge Bergoglio really is, and how he came to be known as Pope Francis.
Continue to the next page to hear Putin’s theory as to who pulled the strings to put Bergoglio into power
Putin is the last of a dying breed … Gangster who I think he is very smart I like him but don’t trust him
He doesn’t
This pope is not a Christian no way shape form or fashion
In some scriptures and predictions by past seers Putin is seen as the 3rd anti cristo so this is interesting
Think I agree it’s you Vlad!
I agree with Putin and i don’t agree with anything he says otherwise ,this Pope is a strange man !!!!!!
I agree with Putin this pope is certainly not holy I knew that when he gave approval to gays that is a major sin men are not to lie with men or women with women
He’s right