There are two stills here – one in a video and directions to make another below the video, both on the next page.
With these stills the water will be completely free of any contamination, including all biological agents such as bacteria, viruses, protozoa and other parasites, as well as heavy metals, chemicals any any debris.
Only something like alcohol, which has a lower vapor point than water, could possibly be transferred.
Check out the video and directions next page:
To remove other harmful agents with a lower boiling point than the water bring to slightly less than boiling and let those boil off to atmosphere then proceed to turn up the heat and gather the steam
Actually distillef water if completely pure is no acidic it is neutral Ph7.0. It is a hypotonic solution that if used as a primary source of hydration, will lead to hypokalemia, hyponatremia,…etc. All of which lead to cardiac dysrrythmia and death.
3 minutes without air, 3 days without water or 3 weeks without food all equal what?
I drank only distilled water from a river for two years with no ill effects. You’ll be ok. I was doing it mainly to dodge the fluoride/chlorine the city puts in the water.
It was my only source of hydration, as I don’t drink Gatorade, sodas, etc.
I have been using city tap water then DISTILLED at home (waterwise) then run through a carbon filter (PUR) … for 18 years … And my blood tests look awesome !
Fresh distilled water has a neutral Ph of 7.0 … But with time ALL types of water can pick up CO2 from the air and have a slightly lower Ph over time
>99% of all minerals come from food … <1% from water ... If you want more minerals then eat another ounce of vegetables 🙂
No distilled water is not harmful in small amounts. But if you continue to drink it over prolonged periods of time. It will strip the electrolytes and minerals from your body. It can cause liver failure as well. This is a fact backed up by years of research. It is good for cleansing. But in small amounts. If I drink it at all it makes me sick. It does not have the same effect on my wife. She uses it too cleanse once a month.
Too much to even consider. I believe I’ll just a glass of bourbon……