There are two stills here – one in a video and directions to make another below the video, both on the next page.
With these stills the water will be completely free of any contamination, including all biological agents such as bacteria, viruses, protozoa and other parasites, as well as heavy metals, chemicals any any debris.
Only something like alcohol, which has a lower vapor point than water, could possibly be transferred.
Check out the video and directions next page:
Daniel Roman research says fluoridated water is not good for you.
not realy to defrent from solar desalination stiill….
clearly bryan turner… will not survive…
Just use it to make booze.
just going to say, if I have a still it is not for purifying water, it will be for medicinal purposes only 😉
OMG, drinking distilled water is NOT bad for you and it will NOT kill you! Where are you people getting your information from? The government? When done properly, distilling water removes toxins, including bacteria, parasites, heavy metals, and natural minerals. Distilling does not remove fluoride. Drinking distilled DRINKING WATER is completely safe. Would I consume water that was distilled from a river or industrial plant? No.
Drinking distillrd water is bad for you because it robs your body of the trace minerals,natural salts, and elements that are necessary for good overall health, It is much bett to filter your water with a filter set that is specifically designed to remove the harmful’s and leave the mineral content.
Maybe if u have no food to eat since that is where most of your mineral intake comes from. Or perhaps poor kidney function. The acidity is extremely low and harmless. Vinegar is about 100 times as acidity and is in all kinds of food.