If you’re constantly annoyed by the stench that political correctness has spread over the United States, maybe you’ll take a bit of solace in the fact that we are far from the only country in the world that has to deal with PC culture’s obnoxious repercussions.
In fact, we may have it easy compared to some of our friends overseas, who have engaged in a total PC/anti-PC war.
After some cafes have inexplicably banned pork in an attempt to not offend Muslims, some German officials have had enough, and they’re fighting back against the social justice warriors, with the law.
To see what they’re proposing, continue reading on the next page. They’re definitely not holding back on this one:
So, German sausage is gone ? ? ? And soon Germans will be gone as well !
Germany of all places? Love their native sausage cuisine. This must be f**e.
Week!!live with it!!
What happend to you you Germans? Ya’ll better dispatch that hag soon before you have no country at all!
Yeah you’re right, Ed, some Brits have found a dentist of late…
has to be f**e news
B******T!!! Sorry,..but this is just ridicilous!!!!
Cajun Culture would be non existent here in the U.S. STOP the PC culture Force Muslims to conform, because we all have to exist in this planet. Their ideology does not trump people’s lives.
Pretty sure this isn’t true as I can’t imagine Germany would outright ban pork products but I can definitely foresee less and less pork being served along with eventual restrictions placed on pork products as more and more intolerant Muslim immigrants/invaders come into their country.
So long Germany you used to be great this would never had happened in the old days