If you’re constantly annoyed by the stench that political correctness has spread over the United States, maybe you’ll take a bit of solace in the fact that we are far from the only country in the world that has to deal with PC culture’s obnoxious repercussions.
In fact, we may have it easy compared to some of our friends overseas, who have engaged in a total PC/anti-PC war.
After some cafes have inexplicably banned pork in an attempt to not offend Muslims, some German officials have had enough, and they’re fighting back against the social justice warriors, with the law.
To see what they’re proposing, continue reading on the next page. They’re definitely not holding back on this one:
Now you’re talkin’!!!
more bacon!!!! Germany has folded, done, raise the Muslim flag………..pitiful and sad!
Germany will never be Germany in till they leave the eu and take back their country from the forces that have held it captive since the end of ww2
What no pork.. when pigs fly!!
Who was in the country first, the Germans or the muslims? If the muslims are offended by those items, then they can look away when someone is eating them, or out shopping etc. It is ridiculous the way countries are bending over backwards to accommodate people who have chosen to go to said countries for ‘freedom’, and then force their customs etc. down the throats of the citizens.
So you are letting muslims write your laws now
Just what in God’s name have the islamofascists done to keep from offending Christians? Stop kowtowing to islamasists now!
First off, the Germans are not our “friends”. They are so engrossed in the PC culture that they no longer even know who they were. They, along with the snaggle toothed Brits cowed down to their governments as muslims raped, dismantled and destroyed their culture. The Germans we were friends with are either dead and gone or are too few to fight off the others that cower, pander and give away the best of their country to entitled ingrates, gimmiegrants and rapeyougees. We have some of those RINOS and Democrats here too. But true Americans would never be part and parcel to such cowards.
Merkel has betrayed the German people.
This is what it takes for Germans to stand up and fight? Sad state of affairs that they let their country be taken over by a bunch of Barbarians? MAYBE There is hope yet!