When given the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about Obama’s refugee plan for America, public support drops drastically. A sound bite styled polling questions which asked if one would support “a one-time inflow of 10,000 to 100,000 additional refugees” resulted in 31% approval.
Support however dropped to 12% when the facts were recounted that there are millions of additional refugees now seeking entry to other western countries.
Read more about these low number of support and how it hurts Obama’s plan on page 2.
Kill them all and Obama
bring in the Christian refugees.
Towel heads need to be fertilizer
STOP calling them refugees.
They are trained terrorists ( men, women, children ).
Their koran teaches them to lie and kill to defeat the infidels.
Islam is a murderous cult. WAKE UP AMERICA!
ISIS flags in Germany.
ISIS flags in Italy.
Zionist America playing Satanic Game & Reshaping Middle East For N.W.O . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pt2dNWXgJyc
Zionist America playing Satanic Game & Reshaping Middle East For N.W.O . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pt2dNWXgJyc
Gee I wonder what kind of refuge A Terrorist would bring in then?
Why would we support bringing people here that don’t have the same standards and don’t respect our way of living to cause chaos?
No muslims No filth No rape No satanic vile muslims !!!