When given the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about Obama’s refugee plan for America, public support drops drastically. A sound bite styled polling questions which asked if one would support “a one-time inflow of 10,000 to 100,000 additional refugees” resulted in 31% approval.
Support however dropped to 12% when the facts were recounted that there are millions of additional refugees now seeking entry to other western countries.
Read more about these low number of support and how it hurts Obama’s plan on page 2.
Well he is just trying to help ISIS to get more of them in here. Trying to kill us all off, if you are of the born here you are a target to ISIS , and color will not matter either .
Move some of them into John Kerrys mansion he has two or three spread around and so does Hillery and all the so called leaders for the people,HAHA
Mexico has agreed to bring in these terrorist so the liberals can have them coming over our southern border! Demand that we send troops to protect our borders now!!!!
Well actually im from poland but i reverted into islam and islam is not what any if you think it is
This TRAITOR is not bringing in refugees. They are ISIS fighters. The real refugees are the Christians
And i definetly would not allow her to go date guys and go around uncovered showing everything like teens do now
U.S. Patriot Act HR3162 Subtitle B –Section 411, makes it unlawful to represent political, social or similar groups, whose public endorsements of terrorist activities undermines our efforts to reduce or eliminate terrorism. Once again, organizations such as CAIR, MSA’s and the vast majority of mosques in the United States would be cut off from any funding, causing them to whither and die. Those who chose to violate these laws — anyone who supported these Islamic organizations — would be penalized as terrorist collaborators.
Most of these people are young fighting age men. Only enough women and children to make it LOOK good. They think we are really stupid.
And you must not know hiw many women and children are being raped and beaten in america everysecond
No way
Look what’s going on in other countries. Do we want this here? Hell no. We have enough to deal with now.