When given the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about Obama’s refugee plan for America, public support drops drastically. A sound bite styled polling questions which asked if one would support “a one-time inflow of 10,000 to 100,000 additional refugees” resulted in 31% approval.
Support however dropped to 12% when the facts were recounted that there are millions of additional refugees now seeking entry to other western countries.
Read more about these low number of support and how it hurts Obama’s plan on page 2.
I guess not these people are not our friends these are enemies. Disgusting rats
Don’t want any Nasty women or they’re rat children. The whole disgusting group need to be illuminated.
Send them to Kenya.
Hasn’t Obama TERRORIZED the US enough?
Kerry says we need to take 85000 next year we are already buried in red tape so where is this money going to come from? Almost every one of them will be on welfare, so there is only one way to keep up with that. Cut social security, medicare and Medicade? That’s smart because it will destroy the United states. There are a lot of disabled Americans who live off of SSI. Many child care businesses and others who help will go bankrupt if no support.
Keep them the F–k out!!
send them all back were they came from
They are Terrorists.!!!
go to kanya ahahah
Get lost