When given the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about Obama’s refugee plan for America, public support drops drastically. A sound bite styled polling questions which asked if one would support “a one-time inflow of 10,000 to 100,000 additional refugees” resulted in 31% approval.
Support however dropped to 12% when the facts were recounted that there are millions of additional refugees now seeking entry to other western countries.
Read more about these low number of support and how it hurts Obama’s plan on page 2.
No and I don’t agree with what happened.
Taymong STFU!!!
We can not take care of our own how are we going to take care of every one else.??
These are not refugees. Most of them are Muslim terrorists being sent to ruin America! Keep them out’!!
I want GOD in the White House…
Keep them out
we don’t need any more muslim trash
He DOESN’T CARE WHAT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WANT!! Everything he does he thinks ” this will p**s off the Christian’s” or “man, I can really stick it to the Veterans” he is the WORST OF THE WORST! I’d sooner have the Manson Family at my Thanksgiving table than have to look at his grinning, up yours America ugly mug one more day (oh and that goes for hatchet-faced wife, well jury’s still out on her gender).
We do not need the welfare numbers to increase or more vagrants living in our parks or setting up tent cities for squatters.
We don’t want anymore.