When given the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about Obama’s refugee plan for America, public support drops drastically. A sound bite styled polling questions which asked if one would support “a one-time inflow of 10,000 to 100,000 additional refugees” resulted in 31% approval.
Support however dropped to 12% when the facts were recounted that there are millions of additional refugees now seeking entry to other western countries.
Read more about these low number of support and how it hurts Obama’s plan on page 2.
No idea . But how
long does it take to become a citizen . If they can fast track the tppa . Im sure they can fast track citizenship . No one would ever know
The bilderburg group . henry kissenger gave obummer his first job out of high school .. go figure .
oh, are they finally seeing the truth about how Ovomit lies?
Obama doesn’t care what we think.
we dont want your terriost men her at all they are not rtefugees they are your buddins to help you agaisnt ameircvns no they are not welcome here
So why does a run away government insist these unwanted people are coming here against the will of the citizens of the Inited States of America?
Hell yes it has we never wanted any of them
We The People, Said No!!!!
Low or no support means nothing to Obama.