How would you respond to this polling question regarding the refugee crisis? “How many additional refugees of the Syrian civil war do you think should be allowed into the United States, on top of the 1,500 who are already here?” Initially, the response garnered 31% support, however this number plummeted by 19% points when the same person was asked this.
“Estimates by the UN and other organizations indicate that between 3-4 million refugees have already left Syria and need asylum, and that at least 6 million more have been displaced internally within Syria and will likely seek refuge outside of Syria,”
Because the media reports on heart wrenching stories of like the drowned child on a Turkish beach, support is quite high, with 56% of Americans wanted to aid the refugees. But when more facts are added to the big picture these support numbers drop. The media plays on the heartstrings of its viewers, but holds back crucial information that rounds out the real picture.
For example, only a minority of Americans know the country annually accepts roughly one million immigrants: 450,000 blue-collar guest workers, 200,000 white-collar guest-workers, 50,000 agricultural guest-workers, plus 350,000 illegal immigrants. That’s roughly one foreign worker for every two Americans who turn 18.
Obama has a problem on his hands if he hopes to sway the public to admit so many immigrants.
The frightening scale of possible Arab migration — and the recognition of subsequent expenses, security risks, and social turmoil — is overcoming Americans’ normal generosity.
The expense on the American public to house, feed, educate and medicate is more than the public is willing to do.
Source: Breitbart
i am disgusted by our president..his beliefs and religion.. i would wipe my ass with his religion if i could..why is he still alive??
Do you think he cares what Americans think?