A cop in Georgetown, Texas was caught on camera tripping and shoving students from Vandegrift High School as they came onto the field in celebration of their state soccer win Saturday.
In what can only be described as an act of mental illness, this cop for no apparent reason simply physically assaults these students trying to enjoy their team’s victory.
The rise of police brutality has skyrocketed in the country as mentally damaged people are being given badges and guns in government’s anticipation of a police state here in America. The state needs thugs.
The police dept will investigate, why dont they save time and money and fire him
they need to beat the $#%&!@* out of him
there is a lot of criminals out there wearing a badge no days
little nazi
Time has come to reevaluate all our policies on policemen for the purpose of protecting everyone from unjust practices such as this.
He is luck they did not turn on him and beat him to a pulp.
No need for investigation. Fire him already.
Who hires these psycho pricks? better yet who fires them?
This is most likely the high school kid who was an $#%&!@* in school and had no friends……..went out and got a badge and gun to make him feel bigger and better.
using mental illness as an excuse