A cop in Georgetown, Texas was caught on camera tripping and shoving students from Vandegrift High School as they came onto the field in celebration of their state soccer win Saturday.
In what can only be described as an act of mental illness, this cop for no apparent reason simply physically assaults these students trying to enjoy their team’s victory.
The rise of police brutality has skyrocketed in the country as mentally damaged people are being given badges and guns in government’s anticipation of a police state here in America. The state needs thugs.
Lawrence Marcel
Most cops, have mental health issues…..and other work related problems….
Must be a Dem. !!!
I think what the cop did here was wrong, but come on guys. This is a really bad overreaction. Linking one policeman’s mean-spirited decision to trip a student who was running on the field to the rising police brutality in America? Priorities & perspective, folks. Let’s maintain them.
I hear the cops in Georgetown are out of control quite often. Georgetown is real close to Austin, must be the liberal sleaze emigrating out of the Austin city limits.
How would you like to put a gun in his hand and give him some real authority?
What would each of you do if you were getting paid to keep people off the field? I agree he didn’t go about it right but win or not the students shouldn’t have been on the field. If they followed the rules to start with then there wouldn’t have been a problem to start. If this same group of people just trying to have a good time would have trampled you then you would be mad the police didn’t do more. Where is the line between breaking the rules and happy enforcement?
Really? These are children running on the field to celebrate. Children. This grown adult took matters into his own hands and was maliciously harmful to underage minors. He is the grown up. He is the trained professional. This “running onto the court or field” happens a lot now and very few times have their been any dire consequences. You can play the “what if” game all you like but it does not excuse this moron from his actions. This is assault and he should go to jail for it. It is people like you that make this kind of behavior happen cause youre not willing to stand up for what is right.
Well, he got hired by their city council and police force, so you might want to start there.
Staying off the field that their parents taxes pay for, interesting, concept.
Of course they’ve gone mental. The law has made criminals out of ALL OF US, and prohibitions red headed step child wants to murder them.