A group of college students in Portland, Oregon have staged a “die in” in order to protest the arming of police on campus.
This act is so desperately stupid it would be laughable if it weren’t so sad. It seems college kids have become so disconnected from reality due to their safe spaces and P.C. curriculum, that they can’t even access the parts of their brain that used to be reserved from common sense.
Todays college students view guns as the ultimate evil. Bad guys with guns are bad. Good guys with guns are bad. Befuddlingly, even police with guns are bad.
Even worse is the ironically idiotic way in which these particular kids decided to protest, by pretending to lie dead in the streets of their campus. If anything, all they are doing is representing a worse case scenario in which an active shooter gets loose on campus while the campus police don’t have the guns to stop them.
Apparently, irony is not a major subject taught at Portland State University.
See them try to explain away their idiocy on the next page:
Theu sure going to be wishing someone has a firearm if anyone attacks the campaign. Wow indocrination is turning you all into sheeple lemmings.
how stupid they are their only protection
2nd amendment the teeth of the bill of rights.Without all other rights would soon be gone.That is why the sick parasitic socialist constantly attack it.Their intent and goal is to disarm and enslave all freedom loving Americans.These leftist don’t care about the facts or the truth.They lie,cheat,and make up all forms of false and misleading stories to move forward their evil agenda.All Americans should guard their rights,and punish those harshly,that wish to deny us of our right to due process of law
needs some run away cars,,,bet they get out of the way and it’s over faster
Just wait till these young people has every thing striped from them not allowed to have what they want but told when they can do something
My, students when a shooter comes to your school to kill you. You are on your own! Don’t expect the campus police or the cops to save you!
After all you don’t want them to have guns!
How stupid can you get ??
So do these morons think that they are going to sweet talk, kiss or what ever another person that is attacking them with a knife or gun??
Don’t ever mistake the letters PSU, this is not Penn state university.
just kids they no no better fools if my kid was there id kick his as you parents have no contro; over your kids anymore good job bringing them up to be stupid