A group of college students in Portland, Oregon have staged a “die in” in order to protest the arming of police on campus.
This act is so desperately stupid it would be laughable if it weren’t so sad. It seems college kids have become so disconnected from reality due to their safe spaces and P.C. curriculum, that they can’t even access the parts of their brain that used to be reserved from common sense.
Todays college students view guns as the ultimate evil. Bad guys with guns are bad. Good guys with guns are bad. Befuddlingly, even police with guns are bad.
Even worse is the ironically idiotic way in which these particular kids decided to protest, by pretending to lie dead in the streets of their campus. If anything, all they are doing is representing a worse case scenario in which an active shooter gets loose on campus while the campus police don’t have the guns to stop them.
Apparently, irony is not a major subject taught at Portland State University.
See them try to explain away their idiocy on the next page:
Save my place here lying on the ground in protest- I have to call my mommy and daddy to let them know I need money in my cafeteria account.
Going stupid…common sense, reasoning and critical thinking no longer needed there.
New class at Universities, How to be PC stupid. No critical thinking required!!
This is liberalism today, thanks to the poison of the Democrat Party: “The world is upside down, inside out, sideways, crazy, nutso. Bad is good; up is down. Left is right; right is wrong. Evil is good; insanity is sanity. Abnormal is normal. Circles are squares. Hot is cold. Luke warm is red hot (among Republicans, anyway). Common sense is uncommon. The world is otherworldly. Dissent is ‘hate.’ Diversity means conformity. The good guys are the bad guys; virtue is vice; sophistry is intellectualism; jerks are celebrated; debauchery is glorified; the holy is debauched.” And America’s destruction is guaranteed.
if they were in Chicago they probaly would be down and dead
Kick them out. These universities are doing more harm than good. They enable and encourage these kids to go against everything.
Fools they will always be if they do not wise up.
These Morons get rid of the Police and the next time the Soft Target they create will show their Stupidity.
Idiots ! oops useful idiots
Every one of these cowardly idiot parasites should be drafted into the US army and sent to Syria!!!