Sudden heart attacks in people over the age of 50 aren’t uncommon, but is it likely that an otherwise fit man who happened to be a critic of the Obama administration suddenly died while in Washington D.C.?
That critic happened to be Mikhail Lesin, former press secretary to Vladimir Putin and founder of Russian Times. Vladimir Putin credited Mr. Lesin as one of the architects of modern Russian media.
At the time of his death, Mr. Lesin was under suspicion of money laundering and owned $28 million worth of property in Los Angeles. However no proof was ever found to corroborate that claim.
So why is it that Mr. Lesin should suddenly have a fatal heart attack at such a relatively young age?
Find out how the US killed Mikhail Lesin on page 2.
They do have heart attack weapons.
Suspicious ? Well somebody authorized to act for him, he assassinated by a heart attack, It’s been sit up.
funny my dad’s dad died at 49 from heart attack…
Theodore, if you were normal that would be your grandfather; but maybe you didn’t know how to spell that
Well he never was my grandfather because my dad was 13…
Guys, Obamacare is designed to either slowly or quickly kill you, & if you don’t die of a heart attack you can die watching your premiums going up & up
Oh and I’m far from normal… Here’s my page i run Tissues for Liberals
Theodore I understand what you are’s logical..I will check out your page thanks.
…i thought only the clintons did this…
What a coincidence. Nottt !!!! I have no doubt obama’s administration had him killed. If not him then it might have came from Hillary’s. she has a really long list of deaths trailing her