With Donald Trump making a campaign stop in Phoenix, Arizona, the city has predictably become home to agitators opposed to the presumptive GOP nominee.
As noxious as they might have been, the protestors shockingly refrained from the kind of violence that has become a regular feature of anti-Trump demonstrations in cities from Chicago to San Jose. Instead, they seemed to stick to inflammatory rhetoric and dubious claims about Trump’s beliefs and character.
For instance, some of the protestors installed an inflatable figure that resembled the candidate in a Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard’s outfit. Behind the figure was a sign reading “Make America Hate Again” over a Nazi flag, driving home the point that the protestors believed Trump to be morally and politically equivalent to Adolf Hitler.
In case this weren’t obvious enough, some of the demonstrators stated as much when confronted by a reporter for Infowars, arguing that the Donald’s proposed temporary ban on Muslim entry into the US resembled Hitler’s policies towards the Jews. Tellingly, they failed to name the specific Nazi policy that paralleled Trump’s proposal.
See videos of the protests for yourself on the next page:
Yes go back to Mexico you are notgoing to get your way Donald is more and better President Then Hillary will ever be.
If they hate it here so much go back to Mexico!!
these people are stupid don’t they know the kkk belongs to the democratic party.
Watching libtards showcase their stupidity and insanity is hilarious. Trump may have faded away were it not for the hard work of liberals everywhere promoting him!
Well keep it up wet backs you will be on the other side of the wall soon dead or alive you pick.
He’ll yeah!!! Go trump
Bbbbaaaaaaaahaa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha never
Why doesn’t anyone look at trumonfor the fact that he got his wife when she was a young teen. Told her father I will sell your business for my limo parking lot if you don’t promise me your daughter’s hand in marriage when she of age. Now that is something to look down on someone for. I mean aren’t you racist idiot’s mad with the Arab’s for doing that c**p? Well he does to here’s your sign. Oh don’t forget your dunce cap 😉
I’m sure Mexico would like to claim the United States both are occupied right now killing their own citizens over education.