3 bus loads of illegal immigrants were turned back when protesters in a San Diego suburb took to the streets and denied them entry into a processing center.
Yes, people are still capable of taking matters into their own hands when government fails…if we could only see this on a grander scale to reel back this out-of-control government.
It would certainly be great to provide everyone in the world with nice living conditions when their governments steal and fail them, but we as a nation can’t. And the truly sad thing for these immigrants, these children, is that they are unknowingly walking into a country with a failed economy, a growing police state, and out of control communist federal government that is only using them to further deflate the nation in order subjugate it to their despotic agenda and likely through the use of civil war or martial law to do so.
Word to those of you took the bait and came into our country, if the government that beguiled you into coming here has their way, believe me, you will be better off where you were…at least with all your family.
Fears of disease, crime and already-strained government services prompted Murrieta, Calif., Mayor Alan Long to rally residents against plans by the Department of Homeland Security to bus the children and families to a processing center in the city of 106,000 residents. Confronted by the protests, the buses were rerouted to San Diego.
“These people are fleeing a less desirable area — we all understand that, we’re compassionate for that, but those are concerns,” Long told Fox News. “We’ve asked a lot of questions, we wanted to make sure no stone went unturned so that we had certainty on what exactly we were getting. And when you start asking about the health screening that they claim they get — there’s a lot of gaps. They could not answer a lot of questions we had to give us certainty that the people on those buses were healthy.”
“We don’t have the space to hold them.”- Border Patrol agent
The three buses were trailed by a half-dozen news crews during the two-hour trip from the border to Murietta. After the buses were blocked, federal authorities rerouted the vehicles to a freeway and then to a customs and border facility in San Diego within view of the Mexico border.
Many protesters at Tuesday’s event held U.S. flags, while others held signs reading “stop illegal immigration,” and “illegals out!”
“We can’t start taking care of others if we can’t take care of our own,” protester Nancy Greyson, 60, of Murrieta, told the Desert Sun newspaper.
The episode could be played out in communities around the country in the coming days, as DHS grapples with the crowds streaming across the border from Mexico. Processing facilities that are supposed to screen immigrants for health, criminal history and legal status are reportedly so overwhelmed that they are sending illegal immigrants by buses and planes around the country, looking for places to hold them while they are processed.
One longtime Border Patrol agent told Fox News the situation is well past the crisis point.
“We are overwhelmed with [people] coming out of Texas,” he said. “We are putting them in hotels, anywhere we can find a bed. We process them, and then they either bond out or are released on their own recognizance. We don’t have the space to hold them.”
More than 52,000 unaccompanied children have been detained after crossing the Texas-Mexico border since October in what President Obama has called a humanitarian crisis. Many of the illegal immigrants are under the impression that they will receive leniency from U.S. authorities.
Exactly what has prompted the wave of illegal immigrants is unclear. The Obama administration, which has pushed for amnesty and an easing of immigration policy, claims the illegal immigrants are coming to escape violence in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. But critics and activists against illegal immigration say the administration has deliberately invited the wave of refugees.
“Claims these immigrants have a ‘credible fear’ of violence coming home are a flat-out lie,” the Border Patrol agent said. “The kids say they are here to see their mother, father or relative. The adults are working from a script. They all use the same words. When you dig deeper, they tell you the truth. They are here because a relative told them to come. They are here because they’ve been told they can stay. And it’s true. We are giving them a free pass. It is terribly frustrating for us who were hired to enforce the law.”
Buba, it is illegal.
^^^Yeah, because there’s certainly NO reason to hate people trying to take over our country, who hate us while we’re having to foot the bill for their children, their housing, their medical costs, etc. (sarcasm off) I don’t hear people like you complain when young black males are out beating, robbing, raping and killing white people. I don’t hear people like you complaining when these illegals bring gangs and other diseases to our country and turn our first-world nation into a third world dump.
NO more illegals in this country.
wake up buba they come here illegally braking our laws and bringing with them unchecked terroists drug cartel and gang members. not to mention a possiblre pandemic. all in an attempt by our so called president. which he is not to destroy america by over loading the system. this can all be done legally with which i have no problem but if you come here and ignore our laws you need to go back to where you came from. until then the melting pot has become a cess pool.
are we filipinos welcome to as an illegal allien in your country,i don’t like chinese to occupy our territories,ilove america to take action on this matter,but if you don’t i’m going to spain where my father live in
Now if the rest of the world would do the same as these people, things might be better, for all of us. Stop Obama!
President Obama is a failure. His policies have unravelled a lot of what this country stood for. Liberty is a big thing that he has declared war against. Disarm American civilians then let anyone from Mexico including gang members and affiliates into the country. There goes our safety. Wait for those crime stats to climb. Then that piece of garbage expects our tax dollars to pay for all this without my consent or my neighbors? This is not Liberty or Justice for anyone, it just make me NOT want to play by the rules.
go home to day.