The Constitution is being reconstituted through monumental stupidity. And no none of this metaphorical. A Machiavellian type conspiracy is afloat to alter our perceptions of reality and our God given rights.
One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship.
“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”
“Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.”
– George Orwell 1984
It’s funny, and not the humorous definition. But, rather the peculiar and odd. The people who brought us the Women’s March and the pussy hats are the ones bringing us BLM and Antifa. We can no longer speak in metaphors when we refer to the monumental stupidity sweeping our nation. And have we stopped to thoughtfully consider where this is taking our country? To the simple minded, our nation is up in arms over the presence of stones carved 100 years ago. These are lies. The lies you’ve been groomed from infancy to believe. Through the fluoride, the constant cycle of fake news and politically correct measures defying the laws of rationality, designed to create cognitive dissonance in the masses. To bring us to the point where we can no longer tell reason for blasphemy, truth from lies, and willingly offering up our hands to be shackled to the pillars of globalism.
The situation witnessed in Atlanta when a mob of social justice warriors started tearing down monuments celebrating peace and reconciliation, mistaking them for emblems of the Confederacy, reveals the power the communist left holds over their followers has never been stronger. They’ve torn down their minds, and rebuilding their sheep to believe in a fraudulent narrative of history in order to gain global power. Get the full story on this group of social justice warriors idiotically tearing down symbols of peace, reconciliation and harmony to end racism on the next page. Hurry before this state of affairs progresses and Google no longer permits the true history of the peace monuments in Atlanta to exist on the internet.
2nd sentence, should include is ” And no none of this is metaphorical.” currently has no is – but doesn’t really matter that much I guess – need to get better at editing or reading though right after finish stuff!
Truly shows their ignorance!
I remember this vividly because I was the President of the student body at the University of Kentucky in Northern Kentucky and had led a march in support of our troops and our President at the time and free speech and peaceful demostrations. It was my own experience with groups like the KKK and my Mother’s Christian teachings and my History Professors Dr. Charles Taulbert, And even High school teachers Onie Riley, Mrs Hinsdale and several leaders, Rev. BILLY GRAHAM, DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING AND MY SISTER BARBARA BRANDNER WHOSE WONDERFUL DAUGHTER WHO HAS PRODUCED FOUR BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN IN A INTER RACIAL MARRIAGE. ALL GRADUATES FROM SOME OF OUR BEST UNIVERSITIES. RACISM IS SOMETHING I HAVE NOT NOT ACCEPTED FROM EITHER POLITICAL PARTY. WHEN I SEE ITS’s ugly head raised to drive people to vote for a candiate or to tear down Historical markers as if this is going to remove racism, when in fact it just feeds the disease, which is a mental condition. The shame is the left wing of the Democratic party has looked the gift horse in the mouth and cast it aside for power and greed and manipulation, remember “we” are the Nation who elected Barack Obama twice, I voted for him on His first term, but not the second because He left Godly principles by the wayside and it was clearly apparent that his muslim interest and open borders policy was ingredients for chaotic and distructive social economic factors leading to loss of jobs and a unbearable burden on all social programs, including infrastructures, schools, medicade, foodstamps and end result of over a Twenty Trillion Dollar debt. Thus the race card played one two many times, backfired with the first Black President and his coruption ridden Secretary of State being cast out of power inspite of their drive to push racism down the throats of all Americans, the vast majority of which are not living lives of racism in any form or action as demonstrated in President Barack Obama’s two elections. Quite to the contrary, when President Donald Trump and Mike Pence were elected, first against 17 republicans, including the Bushes, the Romney crowds and the establishments it showed very clearly that the American people were fed up with both parties leadership and they got just what they wanted, a people’s President who is not, was not,and will be controled by anyone accept THE PEOPLE.
Good vs Evil The test of a Nation?
Unfortunately, many of the politician’s and their media and buaucracy followers suffered the disease of denial. Ego & greed, are a powerful sickness, and it is sad to watch some of them be easy manipulated by the press and the devil. Losing is never easy, but it is a honor just to be in the race and a part of
history. A cake is made of many ingredients and the Democratic Republic can only survive with a active thoughtful citizens as part of the ingredients. However, without Godly principles and love we are doomed to failure. So, I thank all for their peaceful involvement and every unjust death, shall in the eye’s of God be not in vain, but instead a great reminder that there but for the grace of God go I, whether it be on the streets of Chicago on in Charlottesville by a misguided mentality ill easily influenced human, or one of the 6 million Jewish and many others who have been murdered in the name of evil. History should never be torn down for it is a ingredient in our lives that we should never let be written off or forgotten and we should see racism of any type or kind for what it is and peaceful means by the rule of law and Godly principles should always be taught and administered justly to retain the republic and Our God given freedoms which have come from millions of servicemen and Godly citizens giving their lives and bodies to protect. So both the left and the right radicals who use violence and distructive means or hate, or race, or economic class, or ethic origin, or age , or sex to create violence or perpetrated lies to foment violence should be condemed for their actions. Always remembered to, ” Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not no your own understanding and in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your pathway straight.”.
This is the liberal left, they run their cities, they run their states, then they blame the republicans and the President Donald Trump and Mike Pence and their team for their mistakes. Shameful.
Where was this Governor in Virginia before this violence waiting for the liberal elitist media and their press conference. He should be charged with the driver of that car. Shameful. These liberal mayors and their illegal citizens. This was the most planned politically evil terrorism by the former chairman of the Democratic party, Governor Terry McAuliffe Shamefully perpetrated on the people of Virginia and America. This was a Media murder for all of America to see in their TV’s over and over again.
This tragedy of greed and jealous powered mental disease that would induce leaders into allowing crisis to develop and implement while they sat and waited for predictability to be consumated, resulting in needless loss of life and property. These evil men should look in the mirro of life and ask God and the people of America to forgive them for they knew exactly what they were doing. Shameful. This should be a lesson to all other Governors, Mayor’s and to the President and justice departments at all levels.
Wake up Kentucky? Wake up America?
A NationTwenty trillion in debt and this Commonwealth in debt with their pension fund and medicade programs, and infrastructures deteriorating daily, while the Mayor of Lexington, Ky. wants to remove art works and History. Shameful political racism and just asking for violence to come to Kentucky. This is nothing but political grandstanding and just he continues to do the dirty democratic party deeds to divide the country. As a History teacher I find these liberal elitists homosexual are heterosexual attempts to promote their personal agendas to be repugnant and with out moral justification are Godly Principles. These same liberals, tried to take God out of our schools, prayer out of our History and marriage out of God’s teaching, breath out of the unborn babies lives of fifty million citizens. I and most Americans deplore racism and I have fought it all my life. It is deceitful and evil to do this by any parties for political gain. God gave us all the gift of life, red, yellow, brown, black and white and everything in between. All evil, condemed.
A country divided on many issues and a Commonwealth Motto of United We Stand and Divided We Fall and so what does the Mayor do, he jumps on the issue like a tic on and old Hound Dog. I have a suggestion to everybody just ignore the liberal blood sucking tic, if he has the liberal votes and power to do another stupid thing then their is no one to blame but the voters who elected him and the news media that promotes him in his unGodly Principles. I suggest prayerfully love him and forgive him for he knows not what he is doing and if you want a Idea build a new statue with many colors to honor all races where the fountains run red symbolic of the fact that all our blood is the same color, God’s color the color of life, and He shed His Blood so that we might be saved. Love.
Front at top Proverbs 3 vs 5&6 new America standard
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
And do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge God,
And He will make your pathway straight.”
Proverbs 3:5-6
This on front. Just a Idea.
Yup we are in REVIVAL and the demons are being unmasked and outing themselves with their actions, words and deeds. EYES are being opened: Democrats = Insane = liars = deviants = vulgar = obcence language = immoral = irrelevant = globalist = open borders = one world govment = anti-Semitic = hypocrites = losers = rioters = Anarchist = anti cop = libtard = anti-American = Violent = anti-Christian = no fear of God = Cryin’ F**e Tears = Obstructionists = Race Baiters = attack the Presidents son = Oh! Stupid to ……its a long list and just keeps growing. Been running with the devil so long, God has turned them over to the devil and a reprobate mind. They are destroying themselves and each other in Biblical proportions. It’s like a chapter out of Romans Chapter 1 written by Apostle Paul in the 1st century to the Romans. Nero would be with the pervs and demoncrats.
Only Trump supporters would be stupid enough to do this
Stupid fuckers.
That’s the level of iliterate morons we’re dealing with.
Blinded with the “black” cover over their heart !
what brain surgeon lead this revolt