A group of protesters crashed a memorial for slain NYPD officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos on Monday. The protesters yelled at police while they were mourning the deaths of their fallen officers at a makeshift memorial created at the site the officers were killed.
No respect! They should be arrested and jailed pure BS!
Hey police do it to our memorials allll the time
The MOB is ruling and the people are sick of it.
They should be put in Jail!
This is now truly causing a division!
They need to lock up congress also , they just took more money from the Vets. They are all crooks
Westboro baptis church does it to vets all the time but I guess since there white its ok.. Dont kill them kill tho dont put tgem in jail…
Rules of engagement if we force soldiers in an actual war zone follow this law then why cops be so diffrent?????
yeah..and if have nothing to hide, put your f*cking hands up like you’re told, you’re not exempt from the law
No respect for the men and women who protect and serve..don’t expect none when you call and need them for help
I hope they were arrested.