A group of protesters crashed a memorial for slain NYPD officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos on Monday. The protesters yelled at police while they were mourning the deaths of their fallen officers at a makeshift memorial created at the site the officers were killed.
that is so disrespectful it isnt even right—and these people have no respect for the dead—-a bunch a idiots—-karma will come there way and maybe they will have a disrupted memorial for their love ones—it doesnt make a difference everyone should have respect for the dead no matter what the cause—they did live they did breathe and they did walk the ground—i just shake my head at the stupidity of some people—that they are lost really lost in their own little world
What facts are you even talking about?? What does Breaking the law have to do with him being choked to death? It’s called escalation of force you don’t just go from 0 to 100 there are steps to it! I’m not denying that he broke the law and should be punished for it im merely stating that the punishment does not fit the crime! And if you don’t see that Stephanie than you are the one who is blind!
That’s absolutely disgusting. I am appalled by the actions of these people. Those police officers did not deserve to die and their families shouldn’t have to be spending Christmas mourning the loss of those men who were just doing their job trying to keep their city safe from scum like the man who gunned them down for no reason. I fear for the young people in this country that are growing up in a nation that appears to be on the verge of collapse or headed for another brutal civil war. If we are unable to find an excellent man or woman for President in 2016 that is strong enough, smart enough and courageous enough to reunite and once again make the United States of America a strong, proud and excellent country. Enough is enough people, ALL LIVES MATTER not just black lives. The ignorance that is being perpetrated by these protesters all across the country needs to stop immediately.
Are you kidding me that’s exactly what happened! Since you were there please recap??
Crude and rude.What else can you say.
pull your guns out and shoot them……leave no witness.
This is just rude and bad manners or respect for the families,
Shoot the protesters and looters on site.
This is what the liberals want a race war! These people have had all this driven in their heads, they think they are independent thinkers! lol their masters have kept them on the plantation by brainwashing! The liberals want to usher in communism and are using these college kids and blacks as a tool for that purpose!
Funny you assume I will call a crack head.. probley because im brown huh.. why should I have to resort to calling a crack head we pay cops to do a service to the community.. All people want is for them to be accountable for there actions as well how is that so bad how is that wrong… Im sure you ant advocating for the church at least I hope..