Parents in Colorado have come to equal understanding concerning the passing of a House Bill by committee, and now, on its way to a state congressional vote.
After California mandated children to receive vaccinations despite the evidence uncovered by whistle blowers, and once hidden statistics, proving the dangers vaccinations, and what it poses to living a healthy life, like California’s recent mandate, SB 277, the government is preparing for further medical tyranny.
In Colorado an unlikely thing has happened, and both sides of the vaccination movement agree that the U.S. Government is crossing the line when it comes to the amount of control the government wishes to have over a parent’s child.
House Bill 1164, as one Colorado mom explained, “is designed to circumvent the law protecting privacy and bully people into every vaccine on the market.”
Find out on page two what the government wants to file away if you’re a Colorado resident.
Its because thier putting stuff in there to keep us from reproducing,,mainly in Our male children,,they want Our young females,,they are also poisioning US!
Violet Gentry EXACTLY!
I’m against vaccines like flu and pneumonia.
I personally believe the system would love to push killing chemicals in every one of us,screw you !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Research what is in the vaccines!
Another absurdity to promote socialism and government control. Our freedoms being eroded again.
But you’ll have the sheep who blindly obey orders and never question those who govern them…
So Obama can take guns from parents of unvaccinated children!
Focus on deporting illegal aliens and we will worry about our children, federal government and their overreach again.
That’s b******t.