The current surge of unaccompanied minors coming into this country was a completely planned event by Obama and now we have the proof.
DHS posted an advertisement for bids from vendors to handle 65,000 “Unaccompanied Alien Children“ on their website on January 29th of this year.
How could the government know back in January that there would be 65,000 unaccompanied children coming in when the most any previous year ever saw 5,000?
Just look some of the specifics:
[…] The Contractor shall provide unarmed escort staff, including management, supervision, manpower, training, certifications, licenses, drug testing, equipment, and supplies necessary to provide on-demand escort services for non-criminal/non-delinquent unaccompanied alien children ages infant to 17 years of age, seven (7) days a week, 365 days a year. Transport will be required for either category of UAC or individual juveniles, to include both male and female juveniles. There will be approximately 65,000 UAC in total: 25% local ground transport, 25% via ICE charter and 50% via commercial air. […] In addition, the Contractor shall have personnel who are able to communicate with juveniles in their own designated language(s).Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa suggested that this is part of what is called a Cloward-Piven strategy, which is overwhelming gov’t systems to bring about a collapse and usher in more control.
Not only are these kids bringing in all kinds of diseases, creating a huge health crisis, but they are being scattered all over the US. And, ICE admittedly released 68,000 convicted criminal illegals onto our streets last year.
I would suspect we will see a much larger police state by the time this is all over and quite possibly, due to the vastness of this problem, a push from the government for a national ID:
“Your papers, please”
Another smoke screen
Do not put anything pass this President…
It all make perfect sense now. Call it proof, or the truth, or undeniable evidence. Then say anything. Wait for the momentum to build. Smile and pat yourself on the back for a job well done. Repeat as necessary (e.g global warming, the President’s birthplace, death panels).
Will no one do something about him? Does any one have the back bone to stand up to and against the president? We’re out here, we will cheer for you, you would be our hero!
I hope this ploy isn’t designed to placate the pedophiles!
Of course he planned it!Are you people that forgetful?His first two years in office he signed the dream act and obamacare into law.That’s when democrats had control of congress.That’s why most of the democrats got voted out!
Guess who will pay for their needs? We will! Next he will likely allow their parents to come in and then give them the vote?
Shoot him in both knees & both elboes & stitch his mouth with gut fishing line, & let him bleed out.
This is the Dummest and stupidest man i have ever seen in office of the president!!!!! Why in the hell can’t congress cut off his funds to all his bull$#%&!@*, he has ruined America!!!!! The insurance we have now in medicare isn’t worth a Dam, it has been cut so bad to take care of all these illegal Bastards and muslims and now people that has paid into medicare and taxes in this country have NOTHING!!!!!! He should have been tried and put in prison a long time ago and thanks to all you Idiots that voted for this trailor and illegal himself!!!!
Our Country is Not being run by true Americans
By doing just a little bit of research I realized that you can count on one hand the number of United States Presidents that were truly for America during my generation. I was born in 1951 and Eisenhower was our President at that time and he was truly pro American. Then came John F Kennedy who was another truly pro America President. From this point you have to jump all the way to Ronald Reagan for the next truly pro America President. Since Reagan there have been no US Presidents that have been truly pro America. That’s three Presidents in my lifetime that have been truly pro America, and I’m 63 years old. As Fats Domino once sang “Ain’t That A Shame”.
If you look back you will see that all the other Presidents have bowed to the minority instead of telling that minority to shut up and leave our Country if you don’t like it. When I started school and until my schooling was over we said a prayer at the beginning of each school day then recited the “Pledge of Allegiance”. At the beginning of each sporting event a prayer was said followed by the National Anthem. This is no longer done because of one Atheist group run by Madelyn Murray O’Hara. The Minority.
Why is it that the person we Americans entrusted to protect and preserve the Constitution of the United States of America and to protect it against all enemies foreign and domestic bow to the minority instead of the Majority? The President isn’t the only person in our Government who bows to the minority either. Many members of our Senate, The House of Representatives and Congress are also bowing to the minority. Even our supreme Court Justices bow to pressure from the minority instead of reading and understanding the Constitution and using it to apply our laws. It is not the President, the Senate, the House of Representatives, Congress or our Supreme Court Justices job to interpret the Constitution the way that they want. It is We the People, the Citizens of the United States of America who tell them what the interpretation of the Constitution is. Then since they all work for us our Government should enact laws that protect the Citizens. It is not the responsibility of our Government to tell us, We the People, the Citizens of the United States of America which freedoms we have and don’t have. It is We the People, the Citizens of the United States of America who tell our Government what our freedoms are.
Why has it become that way? Our Government is supposed to be Of the People, By the People and For the people. Why has it changed from how it is supposed to be to what it has become, which is Of the Government, By the Government and For the Government? I’ll tell you why, because We the People, the Citizens of the United States of America have allowed it to happen. Through ignorance of not teaching our children what it means to be an American, how to respect God and Country, whether you believe in God or not, by not teaching them the importance of knowing and learning the ” Pledge of Allegiance”, the importance of knowing and learning our National Anthem and what exactly the words mean to true Americans. By electing Presidents and allowing him to make decisions for us instead of We the People, the Citizens of the United States of America telling him what We want him to do.
How do We the People, the Citizens of the United States of America change our Country back to Of the People, By the People and For the People? The first thing we need to do short of going to war with our own Government is to contact our Representatives and tell them how we want our Country ran. We need to tell them that we want laws enacted based on our, We the People, the Citizens of the United States of America’s interpretation of the United States Constitution is. To allow our Government to dictate to us what freedoms we have and don’t have is absurd. It has to be the other way around or we will not survive.
One of the first things I would do is insist on term limits for all members of our Government. The second thing I would do would be to insist that all members of our Government abide by their oath of office and enact laws that would punish any member of our Government that doesn’t. The third thing I would do is to stop taxation without representation by limiting our Governments ability to just keep taxing the Citizens just because of pet projects and because they can’t stay under a budget. Then I would make lobbying illegal. Lobbying is nothing but a legal way of bribing members of our Government.
We can only do this by contacting our Representatives and demanding that we set things right. We have to demand that We the People, the Citizens are the ones who interpret the Constitution and the Government must abide by our interpretation or they will be put in prison. If we don’t demand that our Government do what We the People want then the day will come when We the People, the Citizens of the United States of America find ourselves at war with our own Government and if that happens. NO ONE WINS. We all lose.