If there’s one that thing that liberals and terrorist share in common, it’s that neither lets a tragedy go to waste, especially if that tragedy was planned. With all of the refugees flooding into Europe from Syria, it’s believed that several known terrorists have smuggled themselves in among them.
Images have been surfacing of jihadists entering Europe dressed like refugees and using the situation to smuggle fighters into the West.
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I think you are the stupid one who doesn’t have any brain, but brain-washed.
Fundamentalists have always hid in the populous, no matter what era or peoples. What do you propose, killing all the innocents to rid us of the rotten apples?
Yes they are, wolf amount sheep,
all muslims are isis terriorist !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trojan horse!
Obama KNOWS there are terrorists among the refugees, why else the heck do you think he wants to flood our nation with them?
This is coming to America thanks to Obama, and the Democrats. Daughters beware !!!!
I guess Isis is going to be from one end of the world to the other end.Why were people so stupid to elect you Obama?They should have known you were up ro no good.All you demo rats thanks for sealing our fate.Congress you are no better.The worse shape this country has ever seen!
@[576897470:2048:Tom Belli]
This is Obama’s change he was talking about.He said he needed a second term to finish his work.I guess it is about done.