Elites from the left and the right of the political spectrum are pontificating about the shifting demographics of the United States. The largest shift is due to the huge influx of immigrants from Mexico, South and Central America, both legal and illegal.
In addition, the birth rate of these immigrants far outstrips that of white Americans as millennials marry later in life and have fewer children than their parents or grandparents did. New research indicates that the shift is real, and the consequences could be monumental.
Population shift will cause huge change by 2040, page 2:
I say more like 2018
Sorry to burst your little bubble, but whites as a minority does not make me fearful. The independent variables of the resurgence of minorities are the features of America that whites have put into place: the free enterprise system, capitalism, the ability of people to rise through the social classes by hard work, the appreciation of American history, People who are familiar with those concepts will keep America strong.
Then it will be a$#%&!@*hole. I didn’t migrate to$#%&!@*holes. So tragic for the west. The hope of decent life will be over. No whites, no money nor order.
We need to quit aborting our white babies. We’re aborting out our own existence.
I believe that in 2025, the white ethnic group will still be the largest single ethnic group in the U.S. Adding up all of the other ethnic groups into one group is a f**e ethnic group. And Spanish needs to be dropped as an ethnic group. Spanish is the name of a language group spoken by members of several different ethnic group, not just one ethnic group.
We already are.
Can’t wait to play the race card any chance I get.
So what people are people I have no problem with any of this other than Illegals.
I don’t think so liberals try again.
Did you all notice that Americans were told for the last several years that there were too many people in the U.S. And then, our government lets in millions more.