Elites from the left and the right of the political spectrum are pontificating about the shifting demographics of the United States. The largest shift is due to the huge influx of immigrants from Mexico, South and Central America, both legal and illegal.
In addition, the birth rate of these immigrants far outstrips that of white Americans as millennials marry later in life and have fewer children than their parents or grandparents did. New research indicates that the shift is real, and the consequences could be monumental.
Population shift will cause huge change by 2040, page 2:
No possible way !! Sorry !!
Like california is NOW !!
Here’s the problem, these leeches from the third world will eventually drive us whites to war with them because although they will eventually outnumber us they have no wealth. The whites are having less babies because we are smarter financially. After the war everything will go back to the way it used to be. Most of the politicians that caused this will be executed or near death anyway
Well who’s going to work and pay the bills
We already are.
IS THAT ADAM SCHIFF the traitor in the lowwer right???
Never happen for every one white you get rid of 10 other’s will starve to death need to check where food stamps and welfare come from