Non-Hispanic whites a minority by 2025
Trends of population demographics can change precipitously, but current projections show a dramatic decrease in the Non-Hispanic White population in the U.S., while the Hispanic population appears to be surging. Researchers working with the U.S. Census Bureau in 2014 indicated a belief that non-Hispanic whites would attain minority status in 2045.
In fact, the U.S. Census Bureau data suggests that this event will almost assuredly happen far earlier than these estimates, likely by 2025 if current trends continue. The non-Hispanic white and Hispanic populations are expected to subsequently cross at about 35% each in the early 2040s.
The estimate of the rapidly falling non-Hispanic white percentage is probably conservative (i.e., the actual decline is much steeper than shown above), as the census data likely underestimates the large numbers of dominantly Hispanic illegal immigrants already in the country that would further lower the non-Hispanic white proportion.
These projections have significance to Lefties such as Washington Post columnist Fareed Zakaria, who is anxious to see the white working class get their comeuppance and be squashed by more deserving ethnic minorities, which would inevitably usher in an almost permanent political dominance by the Democrat party. The very thought of both events has Zakaria panting in anticipation.
And on the right, Kevin Williamson of The National Review Magazine has also suggested that the white working class is chockablock with lazy, drug-addicted welfare recipients whose dysfunctional, downscale communities deserve to die. To Williamson, the prospect of millions of low-cost Latino wage earners is enough to make him completely forget that the success and affluence of the United States was built on the backs of those hard working, white, middle class laborers.
I wonder how often these folks get out of Washington D.C. or New York and spend time in the “fly-over” part of the country to talk to real, working Americans who keep the economy humming and the wheels of commerce turning. Perhaps if they spent even a day engaged in actual labor rather than denigrating their fellow citizens they would see the value and contribution of these ordinary, extraordinary working-class Americans.
Whites? or Americans?
That’s what the left want.
I was told that in the sixties when I had my third child.
That is their plan folks. Think about it..
That’s because common sense people don’t have children they can’t afford….when you are 100% supported by government programs, it’s not really important how many you spit out….
so all it will take is 7 years? Well if they would quit killing the unborn it would never happen
Who will support the other races ! Scary
Don’t be too sure of that. People are not stupid. They know who has their best interests at heart. Get real.
That’s a big lie and is only being said the divided this country shame on you.
We already are