Toward the end of last week, the American Constitution Society held its annual convention in Washington, D.C. The progressive liberal organization’s confab quickly degenerated into rampant paranoia about a Trump administration and how those inside and outside government can undermine it.
Most ideas focused on how to further the spread of the “deep state” within the federal bureaucracy to build resistance and block President Donald Trump’s agenda.
Clearly the group’s name means nothing because members kept raising ideas about how best to undermine the results of a constitutional federal election in 2016. The range of ideas put forth ranged from outright hysteria to virtual sedition.
Learn more about the liberal tantrums thrown at the meeting on the next page.
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Republicans in Congress know that this week the news media is fixated on Donald Trump and James Comey. They are taking advantage of the chaos, pushing through bills that would enrich their billionaire donors at the expense of working families—all while we aren’t looking. During Comey’s testimony, the House of Representatives passed a bill that would unleash the same reckless financial speculation that caused the 2008 financial crisis. And the Senate is putting the finishing touches on its secret Trumpcare bill.
Republicans are hell bent on passing Trumpcare before the end of the month. Take action today!
If passed, Trumpcare would gut Medicaid, destroy Medicare, and massively increase health insurance premiums for Americans in their 50s and 60s. Reporting from the Huffington Post suggests that the bill isn’t substantially different from the House version, which was projected to kick 23 million Americans off their health insurance.
Stand with Social Security Works today to shut down the GOP health care bill in the Senate.
Remember: No one voted to cut Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. It’s up to us to remind the Senate.
Alex Lawson
Social Security Works
While every reporter’s eye is fixed on former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony, Mitch McConnell sees an opportunity. The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Senate Majority Leader McConnell is sending a secret healthcare bill to the Congressional Budget Office this week.
McConnell watched Paul Ryan, his counterpart in the House, release the American Health Care Act to ridicule and massive unpopularity. McConnell knows the media is focused on Trump’s chaos, and hopes that he can sneak a plan to destroy Medicare and Medicaid through the Senate before we can notice. In the face of massive protests across the country, Senate Republicans are running scared and trying to pass a bill quickly and in secret.
Tell Senate Republicans that they can’t hide from the American people. If they try and pass a disastrous health care bill behind closed doors, WE WILL SHUT THEM DOWN. Sign the petition today!
The current Senate bill was drafted behind closed doors by right-wing Republicans, without input from Democrats or even moderate Republicans such as Sen. Susan Collins of Maine. The House bill they are working off would gut Medicaid, destroy Medicare, and massively increase health insurance premiums for Americans in their 50s and 60s—there’s no reason to think this bill will be any better. And, they’re planning to pass this secret “health care” bill by the end of the month!
Anti progressive is more like it.
You just described Obama’s presidency to a tee.
As your head is all foxed up
That’s why they fired their entire DNC staff and kill those like Seth Rich and Mary Mahoney who expose them.
Gather them all up and send them to GTIMO with no chance of getting out. Build the gallows for the traitors.
That is treason. Throw them in jail.
‘Useful idiots ‘