Toward the end of last week, the American Constitution Society held its annual convention in Washington, D.C. The progressive liberal organization’s confab quickly degenerated into rampant paranoia about a Trump administration and how those inside and outside government can undermine it.
Most ideas focused on how to further the spread of the “deep state” within the federal bureaucracy to build resistance and block President Donald Trump’s agenda.
Clearly the group’s name means nothing because members kept raising ideas about how best to undermine the results of a constitutional federal election in 2016. The range of ideas put forth ranged from outright hysteria to virtual sedition.
Learn more about the liberal tantrums thrown at the meeting on the next page.
Why??? Has the Obama era turned the entire public into mush heads??? .
These democrats are seditionists and they should be arrested and jailed for sedition and treason .
They should be jailed and charged for inciting riots or even attempting to overthrow the government, or throw a bitch fit because they FEAR rights will be taken from them and this bathroom joke will end up in more child molestation and flaunting…..
They are trying to start a war on our soil!!!
Democrats in power only know how to lie, cheat, steal and spread hate on their way to getting what they want. Progressives/Socialists/Communists ALL think the same, just at different levels of insanity!
FDR Spent his first years in office trying to get Americans back to work and giving them a safety net that would prevent another tragedy like the Great Depression And Trump has done what? Lied, played golf, pushed the elimination of. that safety net, lied, pissed off our allies, lied, lined his own pockets. Lied.
can you imagine how stupid you would have to be to support Trump
Please expand and state sources.
” What, we worry?” Pathetic excuse for America’s leadership. A girl who sells shoes. A real estate salesman. And a reality T.V. personality. What could go wrong?