In order to understand the enemy, one must get into their heads and into their deeply held ideology, in order to have a comprehensive defense plan. The enemy to which I refer is the force behind this viewpoint: “Domestic disarmament, the true, compelling vision of authoritarian liberals everywhere”.
The San Bernardino Terrorist Attack has once again brought the great divide, the fight to uphold the 2nd Amendment to the forefront. Sheriffs, across America are calling on their residents who have conceal an carry licences to carry their guns, in order to help the police fight against terrorism. Texas sheriff, Randy Kennedy, made the compelling statement, addressing it to Obama in a Facebook video, giving the reason that guns are a God-given right and must be resolutely protected.
He said, “Now, Mr. Obama, you need to understand what the Second Amendment is for. It is not for hunting. It is there for the American people to protect themselves against the criminal elements, to protect themselves from terrorists and radical ideology and it’s also there to protect us against the government that has over reached its power.”
The adversaries of the 2nd Amendment do not just want “reasonable gun-control”, but are only utilizing this false assumption in order to gain what Amitai Etzioni, a professor of international relations at George Washington University penned in the Huffington Post op/ed on December 7, 2015. He makes a call for mass confiscation in order to replicate democratic nations that have no guns, including the police officers. The rest of the argument can be found on the following page. We are in an us-them battle for the 2nd Amendment, with the Obama wielding his pen to remove our rights.
This guy is nuts. Does this guy sympathies with radicals?
How many guns does he own?seems like the loons they want it like there guns too ,makes me think do they know that they would be did armed,
Move out of the country
He needs a Capital M stamped on his forhead with a cape…CAPTAIN MORON MAN!!!! here to screw the day!!!!!!
Where is the Stinking hole you are hiding your head in?
try it old man
A typical liberturd democrap idiot. A True Gruber person.
Na probably dug him out of the senile old folks home.
hmm he needs to get a mental eval.