MANHATTAN: U.S. District Judge Richard M. Berman told a hearing he believes filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza showed evidence of a psychological problem when he violated federal campaign finance laws. He ordered further counselling for D’Souza, who is known for his popular films critical of the Obama regime. Judge Berman’s order effectively overruled the judgement of two licensed psychological counselors.
Learn more about the judge’s extraordinary order and see an interview with D’Souza AFTER THE BREAK:
He should appeal this partisan judges decision, and have that bias decision reversed by the Appeals Court… Judges act this way in countries with dictatorships. This is America.
Wow…is this the year 2015, or1984…?
Hang in there…illegitum non carborundum !!!
have we not done enough to this man
This Judge Richard M. Berman should be disbarred and recalled. He is biased and acts like he is in $#%&!@*’s Germany not America.
This judge needs psychiatric treatment himself!
It worked on you.
This judge needs to be re-educated!!!!
Let’s send Obama to a psychiatrist and have him evaluated. Can you imagine!!