MANHATTAN: U.S. District Judge Richard M. Berman told a hearing he believes filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza showed evidence of a psychological problem when he violated federal campaign finance laws. He ordered further counselling for D’Souza, who is known for his popular films critical of the Obama regime. Judge Berman’s order effectively overruled the judgement of two licensed psychological counselors.
Learn more about the judge’s extraordinary order and see an interview with D’Souza AFTER THE BREAK:
TRUTH is the new hate speech
I would appeal this commy judges ruling! Then I would take legal action against him!
“Never let yourself get before a judge if you’ve criticized Obama publicly…” Well said, especially if they are put there by a Democrat. That judge should be ashamed for what he said. Mr D’Souza’s sentence was a joke! How much time time that Chinese guy get for illegal funds for the Clintons??
If we are not careful, This will happen to all who speak out against obama! Sound just like what $#%&!@* Did to those that spoke against him!
It’s just like $#%&!@* Germany, N. Korea and other dictatorial regimes…get with the program or go to “”camp””.
judge should be sentenced to four years of being tarred and feathered on a weekly basis
Wow! They better build more prisons because at least half of us do not like or trust him!
Stay strong! Hope they don’t waterboard you!
It seems to me that our education,laws,foundational values and protections are quite sound,well defined and clear,its the representation sworn to protect them clearly identified thats gone sour ,in treason and allowance of obamas blatent disrespect,disobedience and subversion to the laws of this country