MANHATTAN: U.S. District Judge Richard M. Berman told a hearing he believes filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza showed evidence of a psychological problem when he violated federal campaign finance laws. He ordered further counselling for D’Souza, who is known for his popular films critical of the Obama regime. Judge Berman’s order effectively overruled the judgement of two licensed psychological counselors.
Learn more about the judge’s extraordinary order and see an interview with D’Souza AFTER THE BREAK:
HE is clearly the one ‘mentally unstable’ and he needs people to stand up for his intervention! If we won’t help this poor guy, then WHO?
The people should reprimand his position as a judge and ‘re-educate’ him. Is it just me or is everything backasswards in the United States??
I wonder how many lives this sociopath judge has ruined… and continues to ruin…
“The world will not be destroyed by men who do evil -but my men who WATCH AND DO NOTHING.” -ALBERT EINSTEIN
the Obama re-education camps.
We´re already living in a Brave New World where those of us who speak the truth are perscuted.
Two psychiatrists $#%&!@*igned by this judge found D’Souza to be sane & reasonable. However, this judge won’t accept their finding because he studied psychiatry & disagrees!!! Who’s crazy here???
What happened to freedom of speech?
Hes Muslim. Muslims dont obey the American way of life
And lessons on American history
The judge needs to resign. He is supposed to rule by Cons$#%&!@*ution not ideology. This needs to be fought. Enough. Let’s send all Liberals who break a law to reeducation. Start with Sh as raton who doesn’t pay taxes.
This is political persecution, our country has gone to Hell in a handbasket.