A cloud of fraud and corruption has followed both former President Bill Clinton and his wife, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton around their entire careers. In 1998, Hillary famously decried allegations of an affair and subsequent cover-up against her husband as the result of a “vast right-wing conspiracy.” Of course, after the DNA on Monica Lewinsky’s infamous blue dress proved to belong to President Clinton, he finally admitted to the affair.
Although allegations of corruption, cronyism, conflicts of interest, and even rape against the Clintons date back to the 1970s, many of the recent scandals have proven equally disturbing.
Last Spring, Peter Schweizer’s book, Clinton Cash, brought to light a myriad of new allegations against the Clintons — many of which were even confirmed by the Clinton-loving, liberal mouthpiece New York Times.
In addition to innumerable other corruption charges, Schweizer claimed that Bill Clinton — an honorary chancellor — received millions of dollars from the for-profit Laureate University while Hillary Clinton’s State Department funneled back millions more to the “university” and its liberal activist founder and chairman. To read more about yet another instance of “Billary” using their money and power to influence the government — as well as the university’s ties to George Soros — continue reading on the next page:
Fat lesbian pig
Dishonesty is an acquired trait, once into it hard to stop. Imagine if she was President
She’s nuts
Delusional sheep
Where the hell is the media on this
Kettle calling the pot black
Isn’t Hillary going to prison next week
That is callec bribe. criminal act for any polatician.
Her accomplishments are negative. As First Lady she produced a health bill not one Democrat could vote for. Her Travelgate firing was a major ethics controversy of the Clinton presidency and an embarrassment for the administration as were Watergate, Chinagate, Whitewater, Filegate, Lootgate, and cattle-futures. Recent revelations tell how unethical she was as well as prone to violent bursts of anger, according to her White House personnel.
Her Senate career was filled with bluster and talk with no major accomplishment. There is not one single example of any legislation with her name appended to it. If she is the effective legislator she claims to be, she’d be able find co-sponsors across the aisle who shared her commitment to specific issues.
Then we have her State Department career and the challenge to show she was responsible for the death of four Americans, including our ambassador. As Secretary of State she has the responsibility to protect these personnel. There were numerous requests made for additional protection of the unfortified annex as every foreign mission plus the Red Cross left citing the terrorist danger. These requests were rejected. Claiming it was “too dangerous to send help” they didn’t understand that is the combat soldier’s mission.
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She orchestrated the overthrow of an anti-jihadist Ghadaffi which created another terrorist state in Libya. She labeled Assad a “reformer,” deteriorated relations with Israel, and proved clueless that withdrawal of forces in Iraq would give the radicals a foothold. Her reset with Russia reset another cold war and her silence on the Iran deal shows her support enabling Iran to become a nuclear, industrial and military power in the scope and sophistication of its nuclear program and its capacity to weaponize ICBMs at a time of its choosing. The world became more dangerous during her tenur
Bill has balls on his nose!