It all started in December 2017 when then Drexel University professor George Ciccariello-Maher tweeted that all he wanted for Christmas was “white genocide”. Then we’d finally have world peace.
Following that tweet, Ciccariello-Maher bemoans what he describes as an unfair avalanche of “unrelenting harassment and death threats” from racist “alt-right” white supremacists, and deplorable Trump supporters.
Ciccariello-Maher is at a loss as to how to understand the outrage against him because according to this deranged liberal, white genocide is an “imaginary concept”. According to this academic “genies”, white genocide is a fake idea only used by the right to scare Deplorables into voting for President Trump.
At first Drexel University was delighted by professor Ciccariello-Maher’s “woke” ideas and Tweets. But then Ciccariello-Maher took it a step further and started literally attacking veterans for protecting his freedom to share his stupid comments and liberal horse dung.
Continue to the next page to learn what happened after this liberal “wise-guy” decided university campuses were now a “safe place” for attacking veterans.
Now here is a liberal nut case
put him into a Civil Service collar and put him to work.
This is a special kind of stupid. When do you think he’ll figure out “he’s white”
He’s not smart enough to be a teacher! He calls for white killings, why don’t he step forward and lead the way?? All he wanted was attention and HE GOT IT! He’s a coward or he would lead by example!
You reap what you sow, so you have no one to blame but yourself. If justice is served you will never be employed again as a professor. That will be a very good thing and perhaps the only thing of value to come from you.
Amazing, isn’t it? This WHITE “professor” was so cool and smart when he loudly tweeted about “white genocide”. Now he’s whining his Leftist$#%&!@*off trying to claim he didn’t mean what he loudly said. How did he get the title “Professor” by being so STUPID? It wasn’t blacks or white supremacists who called for mass murder, Prof, it was YOU. Live with it – actions and words have consequences.
I still hope someone gives you a real lesson.
And they teach our children. Quit?? He should be fired!
What Ciccariello should have written on Facebook: “After a year of harassment OF WHITES BY MYSELF AND LEFT-wing, WHITE-HATING media outlets and Internet mobs,” my situation has become unsustainable,” he wrote in a statement on Facebook.
What a demented fool, he needs to get a job at White Castle and flip burgers for the rest of his life at minimum wage.
Drop dead moron, I can only hope