Study: The Same ‘Professional Protesters’ Have Incited Violence in Both Baltimore and Ferguson

As points out from this study:

The implications adds weight to those who have been arguing that the events – though triggered by controversial and arguably shameful events – appear highly scripted and tightly coordinated… with the integrity of news coverage and the role of provocateurs, “professional protesters” and funding from agenda-driven figures like George Soros (who spent some $33 million funding protest groups) coming into question as they paint a larger picture.

We have seen the Baltimore mayor, who is a major player in Obama’s federalization of local law enforcement, give stand down orders to police and announce a delayed the imposition of a curfew that only helped the violence take off. At the same time, Obama encouraged the lawlessness by condemning police instead of the rioters, just as he did in the Ferguson riots.

It’s beyond obvious that these riots only help Obama nationalize local law enforcement and get citizens accustomed to seeing militarized police, and therefore military personnel, on our streets. It wouldn’t take much of a leap to think that he no only uses words to help provoke this mayhem, but other methods as well.

 Rev. Al Sharpton has planned a march from Baltimore to Washington, D.C.; meanwhile newly-sworn in Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder’s replacement as Attorney General, is just in time to carry the issue further with civil rights litigation.

Sharpton, a civil rights activist who sought the Democratic presidential nomination in 2004, hopes to organize a two-day march from Baltimore to Washington in May.

“The march will bring the case of Freddie Gray, Eric Garner, Walter Scott, Eric Harris to the new Attorney General, Loretta Lynch. Ms. Lynch, in her new role that we all supported, must look and intervene in these cases,” Sharpton said in a press release. “Justice delayed is justice denied.” (source)

Martial law has been prescribed as a remedy to civil unrest and riots, along with other scenarios including economic collapse and pandemic, and gives the system more power while exacerbating cries over the examples of abuse by the system, putting further pressure on society’s fragile order.

At this time, the National Guard has been deployed to Baltimore, but authorities insist that ‘martial law has not been declared,’ though one could be forgiven holding a different interpretation.

Nonetheless, with precedents established in emergency training drills, the events in Ferguson and the stunning reaches of both riots and martial law in dozens of cities back in the 1960s, escalation can only be expected, if not in Baltimore, then in the next city that is sure to follow.




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  1. freeman

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