Just how much money does it take to convince a Democrat to promote killing babies after they are born? Planned Parenthood picked one up for $3 million.
The Virginia affiliate of Planned Parenthood threw its support behind Ralph Northam, a Democrat, in August 2017, dropping $3 million and providing close support, deploying canvassers to knock on 300,000 doors and sending mailers to another 400,000 homes.
Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia confirmed the donation and support to the Washington Post. While Republican gubernatorial candidate Ed Gillespie voiced opposition to abortion unless it was in the case of rape, incest, or when a mother’s life was at stake, Northam voiced support for abortion even in the second and third trimesters, despite the majority of Americans being against late abortions.
“Northam has been a key ally to abortion groups, making the issue a top priority during his time in Richmond,” the openly liberal Post stated.
Earlier in 2017, Planned Parenthood and other liberal groups launched a $2 million advertising campaign that had negative ads against Gillespie, claiming that he didn’t have the right stance on so-called women’s issues.
Gillespie responded to The Hill, saying: “It’s no surprise that Planned Parenthood would spend millions of dollars on Ralph Northam’s behalf, given his extreme positions like supporting abortions in the eighth or ninth month or just because the unborn child is a girl.”
Northam has acknowledged the support and told Ballotpedia he was proud to have the backing of the group. “Ralph is proud to have a 100 percent rating from Planned Parenthood,” his office told the website. “Ralph will continue to be a brick wall, stopping attacks on reproductive rights and access to health care.”
Hey governor, do you get kickbacks on body part sales too?
So. Gov. Northam got $2 mil from Planned Parenthood. That's real money. Most politicians wouldn't walk away from people who gave them that kind of money unless they did something truly evil like ask you to promote infanticide. Some, not even then. @GovernorVA #RalphNortham https://t.co/Kkt7r9SwAa
— Joseph Backholm (@josephbackholm) January 31, 2019
To believe it is okay to take a newborn baby's life is nothing short of satanic. This is even worse than what happened in NY. Could a “pediatrician” look at a newborn and say you will now die? This is giving death sentences to innocent newborn babies. https://t.co/khPHNyrdyR
— Brent Bozell (@BrentBozell) January 30, 2019
Gov Northam of VA says full-term baby that survived a late-term abortion "would be kept comfortable" until mother and doctor decided to go ahead and kill baby anyway. What's "comfortable" to the baby when it's killed? Sick, savage, and sinful. Yes, elections have consequences! https://t.co/CjvamjzTON
— Gov. Mike Huckabee (@GovMikeHuckabee) January 31, 2019
There are only two options here: a) we can give the Governor of Virginia the benefit of the doubt and say he misspoke, or b) have him arrested for openly promoting mass murder. Once a baby is BORN and “comforted,” to end its life is unequivocally murder. Plain and simple. https://t.co/7xjBY9UCl1
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) January 30, 2019
I have devoted my life to caring for children and any insinuation otherwise is shameful and disgusting.
— Ralph Northam (@GovernorVA) January 31, 2019
Source: The Epoch Times
Image: LifeNews
So Gov. Northam exactly how would you propose killing these babies?
Chop their heads off?
Throw them off of a high building?
Have a public stoning?
Put them in a cage and light them on fire?
Drag them though the streets?
Shoot them in the back of the head?
Maybe a good old fashion hanging?
Since killing another human is a capital crime these babies must not be considered human.
Therefore, a ‘humane’ and ‘painless’ death doesn’t apply in the case of live birth abortion.