Meet 16-year-old Thrin Short, she’s a ‘domestic terrorist’, according to a petition circulating the campus at the University of California at Santa Barbara which supports a liberal professor who physically assaulted Ms. Short and stole her property.
Ms. Short was exercising her free speech in the designated ‘free speech zone’ on campus with pro-life displays, much to the dismay of professor Mireille Miller-Young, who took her sign from her and assaulted her 3 times.
The professor taught such ‘diverse’ courses on campus, such as “Black Women in Porn*graphy”
Last month Miller-Young was charged with misdemeanor counts of theft, battery and vandalism. She pleaded not guilty last week.
See our original post HERE for a video of the actual incident of abuse the professor inflicted upon Ms. Short.
Dueling petitions involving a pro-life teen and a professor charged with attacking her are circulating at the University of California at Santa Barbara, and the student body is backing the teacher.
Students at the University of California at Santa Barbara are circulating the petitions, one in support of feminism Prof. Mireille Miller-Young, and another backing Thrin Short, the 16-year-old pro-lifer whose March 4 demonstration was allegedly broken up by Miller-Young. The one backing the professor, who has been charged with battery and vandalism, has more than 2,000 signatures, while the one in support of Short has 150, according to The College Fix.
“They talk about prioritizing the safety of our campus involving activists, yet it’s our professor that attacks somebody.”- Katie Devlin, UCSB student
“The last thing we need are these people invading our community,” UCSB sophomore Katherine Wehler, a theater and feminist studies major, told the site.
She said pro-lifers with graphic images of aborted fetuses such as Short and her sister carried are like “domestic terrorists.”
However, another petition making its way around the student body calls for Miller-Young’s termination.
“This is about someone who violated the law in several ways, disregarded the idea of freedom of speech, and tarnished the image of the UCSB,” it reads, before emphasizing that it is not a petition in support of the pro-life movement, but one advocating freedom of speech.
“They talk about prioritizing the safety of our campus involving activists, yet it’s our professor that attacks somebody,” UCSB student Katie Devlin told The College Fix. “I think it’s just the contrast that she is a feminist professor and stands for protecting women, yet she attacks a young girl.”
Thrin told that she and her older sister Joan, 21, were holding signs and demonstrating in a free speech zone on the UCSB campus with other pro-life activists when the feminist studies professor — who teaches one course on campus titled “Black Women in Pornography” — approached the group.
“Before she grabbed the sign, she was mocking me and talking over me in front of the students, saying that she was twice as old as me and had three degrees, so they should listen to her and not me,” Thrin Short wrote in an email to earlier this month. “Then she started the chant with the students about ‘tear down the sign.’ When that died out, she grabbed the sign.”
The professor snatched the sign and then allegedly walked through two campus buildings as Short, her sister and two UCSB students followed her. Short said Miller-Young pushed her at least three times as she tried to stop the elevator door from closing and get back her sign.
Didja get it…”free speech zone”… the liberal colleges have ZONES where students can exercise their 1st amendment rights. No rights if out of the zone…get it? LibbbahhDeeDooDah, LibbaDeeAyyyy…. Oh well, they take a beating even if they are in the zone, ’cause Libbers can do AFT!
Clearly the Prof is the terrorist here. Marxists infiltrated the public schools and created indoctrination camps in the 1940’s. This is what they were planning for.
“free speech zone”?? WTF?!?!?!
TheIt is not my intention to start WWIII here, but I would like to share some thoughts . . . We have lived in Cotacachi for almost two years and have noticed a very disturbing trend, we call it “gringo screwing gringo”. This is the practice of drastically inflating housing costs, both purchased and rental properties in “gringo enclaves” for no reason other than increased profits for owners and their agents. We all know that this an accepted practice in the U.S. and even in the U.S we have seen severe impact on local residents.
An example I am familiar with is in Montana. A few years back Montana experienced a large influx of buyers coming in from California after selling their homes for very inflated prices. The properties in Montana were drastically less expensive, with cash in hand California buyers began to snatch up properties. In a very short time, prices had risen dramatically, to the point that local residents could no longer afford to live in their own communities because of increased costs of rent, purchase costs, real estate taxes and living costs in general. These Montana residents were furious that they could no longer afford to live in their communities due to the invasion of Californians with their pockets stuffed with cash.
Similarly, many gringos are coming into our small community of Cotacachi with their pockets “stuffed with cash” from home sales in the states, 401’s, retirements…etc. and some gringos already here are ready to relieve the newcomers of that cash. This is having a devastating effect on the economy of this beautiful little community in the Andes. These new gringos are paying the inflated prices without question because they are unaware of the market prices. This inflation being caused by “gringo screwing gringo” unfortunately does not stop with gringos. Living expenses in general are being driven higher and higher as this practice continues. This is and will have dire effects on the local long time residents of this and other communities. The average income of the local people here is $300-400 per month. This type of gringo inflation cannot and should not be tolerated! We are guests in this wonderful place and do not have the right to drive these people out of their homes.
I believe most of us came here for a better quality of life, where we can enjoy the culture, friendly people, fresh foods, natural beauty and a stress free way of life that we can afford. We do not have the right to destroy this wonderful place and its culture. If this practice continues don’t be surprised if the Ecuadorian government asks the gringos to LEAVE, as they did with the oil companies and the U.S. military base, due to the damage being done to Ecuador.
As for the rest of us who love and respect this place and it’s wonderful people and culture, we need to let these “greedy gringos” (and you know who you are) know how we feel about the damage they are doing and ask them to stop . If this letter has ruffled some feathers, that’s a good thing… the greedy Gringos are much easier to spot when their feathers are ruffled!!
The Gringos coming here need to do their homework before paying for overpriced rentals and home purchases. Please don’t be one of the under-educated Gringos.roff
I can’t believe we have a free speech zone. I thought all of America is a free zone.
The Prof should be fired then charged in a court of law.
No Incumbents. They have not fired Obama and Eric Holder.
It never seems to amaze me at how these young individuals can be manipulated into being for abortions especially as a form of birth control! Don’t they realize by the standards of those who are influencing their young minds they could have very well been one of the dead babies. To look at the numbers killed every year their odds were astonishingly closer than they would imagine. They were saved from such things so now are being sold into believing others should not! Sad, so sad!
FIRE the teacher. May God step in and cleanse this nation!