The elites love to preach about the toll our little ones are having on the environment. The idea of population control and limiting the number of children families can have run contrary to the American values of liberty and freedom. But, tell that to rich British crown prince William.
He seems to think that only rich elite aristocrats such as himself and his wife Duchess Catherine should be entrusted with the gift of bringing up the next generation. The rest of us need to just learn our precious babies are merely worthless inferior pollutants ruining the world elites hope to gift to their children.
The Prince made these remarks during a solo outing while his wife remained home due to severe morning sickness while expecting their 3rd child.
Continue to the next page to hear Prince Williams remarks on how he worries that population growth will cause the extinction of beautiful animals in Africa
The Muslims are ourproducing the English. I read an article that stayed England could have a Muslim majority in 5 years. Wonder what will happen then?
Do it
I am with them ,$#%&!@*it !
He is his Daddy’s son. Prince Charles is a tree hugging obsessed Environmentalist who is part of the Globalists, and their One World Order.
Is your wife pregnant again
In all reality our population is growing at staggering rates. China has a one child per household law and they fine you if you have more than one. Africa is growing rapidly as is just about every other country. There are 7 billion people on earth. Just how many will the planet sustain. Our oceans are being overfished and the land is being maxed farming food. Pollution and extinction are not slowing down. It’s just a matter of time and the movie Soylent Green might become a reality. …
Not to mention human life (you royal doofus).
Interesting, he who keeps fathering children calling to regulate population growth. Sis not expect this from him. I guess once a member of the elite always a member
You stop first ….as far as I’m concerned….welfare starts with them….who cares what they think…?what are they doing ,others can’t do cheaper,better,less petulance.
He can start with his own inbred family.