Why any nation that values peace and freedom would put their hope in the United Nations is unfathomable. The institution, it must be admitted, has run some successful humanitarian and medical missions. But it hardly takes an international, quasi-global governmental body to do that. In fact, it could be argued that those tasks would be better undertaken by private or local government institutions as the money that feeds the UN bureaucracy would then be available for direct help to those who really need it.
The UN leadership, consisting mostly of Marxists and other miscreants from the left, would have you believe that it is an effective force for world peace. That takes some real imagination to believe given the state of the world, and the inability of the UN to keep the peace let alone prevent wars.
And those are not the organizations’ only failings. More on page two.
Three cheers for President Trump. It’s about time our country quits wasting money on this organization. We do not benefit by belonging to it. It’s just wasteful spending. Use the money to replace what Congress stoled from SSI and give our seniors a decent raise they deserve.