President Trump and President Putin on Collision Course Over Crimea

President Trump and President Putin on Collision Course Over Crimea

Russian-American relations were strained during the Obama administration as it was clear that Mr. Obama and Mr. Putin did not get along well at all. The problem was made worse by conflicting objectives in Ukraine, and by the reuniting of Crimea with Russia. Russia claims Crimea held a legitimate election that resulted in an overwhelming vote to join Russia. Russia also claims Crimea was historically a Russian territory. Mr. Obama disputed all of that.

The conflicts with Russia don’t stop there. Politicians on both sides of the aisle have made very derogatory remarks regarding President Putin, included Senator McCain who has called the man a “murderer.” Into all of this comes the Trump administration that will need to establish policy and negotiate with Mr. Putin. More on page two.

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President Trump and President Putin on Collision Course Over Crimea