As the debate over President Trump’s immigration policy and initiatives grows, so does his apparent determination to see his campaign promises put into action. The left, as expected, is in a fit of self-righteous rage over the efforts being made to curtail illegal immigration and remove illegals from the US, especially those who have committed crimes. However, also as expected, Mr. Trump is not backing down in the face of such resistance to the enforcement of the law, but is doubling-down.
The possibility of federal over-reach is a concern, especially in matters of law enforcement. Most crimes are of a local nature, and as such are the proper responsibility of state and local law enforcement. Injecting federal authorities into local matters is seldom a good idea no matter how it appealing it might be at the time. Hence, those who love liberty should be concerned when they see anything that appears to move towards the federalization of the state and local police.
All of this said, we are in anything but a normal environment. Cities and states are in active rebellion against established federal laws regarding immigration, and are harboring illegals in an effort to thwart their deportation. It’s an outrageous situation, so it comes as little surprise that the solution being implemented is somewhat unconventional. More on page two.
Sharon Downs i think thats a good idea since some the police hands are tied.
We can arrest and detain but we can’t deport
Rich, I understand what your saying, but there are so many more law breakers than Law Enforcement Officers, we must police our selves. Each street and nieboorhood needs to be policed by its own. We’ll all be safer. The police can’t be everywhere all the time. We have to help. Look at what happened to Pine Hills and Parrimore. And so forth.
Deputizing local police is a good way to get help for the federal agents to get illegal criminals. Also the National Guard could be employed for the same reasons.
Park large police vans outside bldg where they sign up for welfare and food stamps.
Great idea!
They deal with enough BS from domestic terrorists such as the BLM, you want to add more load.
The thin blue line is stretched to its limits now. However removing Federal oversight of local issues is a great thing.
If the Democrats want a nation that hold “their beliefs” and want things run their way, making up the rules to suit them. They can pull all their money together and buy an island somewhere and MOVE THERE! They can run it the way they want. We have fought for many years AND lost so many lives to keep America good, fair, safe, un- corrupt and FREE,, WE DON’T WANT THAT TO CHANGE! So if they don’t want AMERICA to be the nation our father’s intended it to be , they can LEAVE!