As the debate over President Trump’s immigration policy and initiatives grows, so does his apparent determination to see his campaign promises put into action. The left, as expected, is in a fit of self-righteous rage over the efforts being made to curtail illegal immigration and remove illegals from the US, especially those who have committed crimes. However, also as expected, Mr. Trump is not backing down in the face of such resistance to the enforcement of the law, but is doubling-down.
The possibility of federal over-reach is a concern, especially in matters of law enforcement. Most crimes are of a local nature, and as such are the proper responsibility of state and local law enforcement. Injecting federal authorities into local matters is seldom a good idea no matter how it appealing it might be at the time. Hence, those who love liberty should be concerned when they see anything that appears to move towards the federalization of the state and local police.
All of this said, we are in anything but a normal environment. Cities and states are in active rebellion against established federal laws regarding immigration, and are harboring illegals in an effort to thwart their deportation. It’s an outrageous situation, so it comes as little surprise that the solution being implemented is somewhat unconventional. More on page two.
risks involved in making federal police??? clinton did it to break up the strangel hold of the crips and pyroos (sp).
clinton did it. it worked fine. they are only empowered for a set time period.
Go Donald
Yes but Clinton was nothing like the Obama/Soros team.. They have become crazier and now the NWO seems to stand by these elitists.. It’s just another way of empowering more people to take us down..
Good some people are going to fight it but they protest on anything . Keep America safe.
I’m not too sure our local police need another label placed on them. That would be as someone said a slippery slope. Unless I’m wrong they already report illegals to the appropriate authorities if they make an arrest. But to put them in the position of tracking down illegals for that sole purpose I’m not sure. Like any other violation they can use good judgement. In border towns maybe but in general I would like to hear from local police on that matter. Do you think that would be effective or another target on your back. Bear in mind they already have a daunting job. I’m all for Trump but that is a decision that I think maybe should be addressed at the local level.
Sharon Downs AND he erased the terrorist watch list. TREASON!!!!!!!
It’d-about time